[hider=The Lizard][center][h2]Marvin[/h2] [img]Appearance Here[/img] [i]*the pitter-patter of lizard feet across the floor*[/i] Ah…Marvin can’t talk to provide information from a normal third-person perspective. I suppose I’ll be explaining him for you. Marvin is a lizard who has muted green skin, with a longer than average tail and ridges along his back starting from his head to his middle body. A portal seems to always follow behind him on the tip of his tail. [i]Age[/i]: He turned a year old just a while ago! [i]Gender[/i]: Male [i]Occupation:[/i] He’s a lizard- can’t exactly have a job. [i]Abilities:[/i] Marvin can hop between universes and planes of reality. Don’t ask me why. He also has a rather long tongue, which I think he can use to swing around, though he prefers to use his tail. Like all lizards, he is able to climb walls. Marvin can also regenerate his limbs. I also don’t know how he can do this. [i]Skills:[/i] Marvin is able to swing around like an acrobat (as mentioned above) in order to get to hard to reach places. He’s also an excellent climber. [i]Personality:[/i] Marvin is a cheeky little lizard- but a curious one too. He would steal your food if he could eat it just to see how it tastes. At times, he may annoy you, but in the end he has good intentions at heart. [i]Biography:[/i] I found him under an awning one winter morning, as a little egg who had not yet hatched. Worried, I had scooped him up and shoved him into my jacket’s pocket to warm him up. The day he hatched he tried to bite my finger. Him and I travelled the universe- I’m afraid he inherited that from me- and I fed him as well as I could. I have theories that his mother abandoned him, but this I cannot confirm because I unfortunately cannot accurately talk to lizards. [i]Likes:[/i] Bugs, insects, warmth, my jacket for whatever reason, and annoying people [i]Dislikes:[/i] Water, hostility, my finger, and being trapped I’m serious. Don’t put him in a cage. [i]Fears:[/i] I can’t say much about this, but he goes wild crazy whenever it gets too cold. [i]Weaknesses:[/i] If you chop off his limbs too quickly he won’t be able to regenerate. Don’t be heartless. Also, if you offer him food he will stop attacking you. [i]Other:[/i] Marvin being too troublesome? Stroke his ridges (the full length) five times and I’ll be notified. I managed to get a friend to cast an enchantment on those ridges a week after he hatched, so now you have no need to ask me about it. [i]Theme Song:[/i] [url= https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6pVtcv08WX0&pp=ygUZc3VuIGFuZCBtb29uIGRheWNhcmUgc29uZw%3D%3D]"[i]Superstar Daycare Theme[/i]" by Allen Simpson[/url] [/center][/hider] [hider=The Other Person] coming up soon [/hider]