[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/h131DW9.jpg[/img][/center] Willing to humor her, Dean made a show of pulling out a glasses case from one of his pockets and very methodically pulling out a pair of round lens sunglasses. Once pushed up on his nose the magic arrays layered over the lenses came to life and assisted in his Astral Nearsightedness. [color=8dc73f][b]"Alright lets see what the hell you are talking about."[/b][/color] He paused for a second and glared over his glasses at Yue and Raudd. [color=8dc73f][b]"My [Sight] sucks, don't judge me."[/b][/color] The wavelengths in Yue's hand were the distinct [Blue] of Alex. Just like that weird esper energy he always flung around. This was one of those rare moments where Dean was kicking himself for not having looked into any of this sooner into his friendship. First Alex's Haze pretension, and now this. What intrigued him right away was how closely it resonated as [Force] when under scrutiny. Now he would have left it at that, but then he noticed the other two colors. [color=8dc73f][b]"Huh, well I'll be damned."[/b][/color] There, almost entirely obscured by the blue were strands of crimson [Red] and verdant [Green]. There was just enough to be able to figure out that the red had Signatures related to [Heat] and [Energy]. The green was arguably more interesting given that it was force almost entirely focused into [velocity]. First off. Alex had never in Dean's entire time of knowing the guy never once turned red or green. He never fucked around with heat and energy outside of some creative uses of his blue fields. And Alex certainly never glowed green while going fast. If this was magic, Dean would just assume Alex had a disposition towards three focused fields of magic and assumed he just never cultivated two of the three. But this was Esper/Deviant stuff. and superpowers were almost always more bullshit then magic was. Well, almost. Taking off his glasses to rub his eyes. Dean let out a groan of annoyance. [color=8dc73f][b]"You're right. It's all there. but fuck if i know what it means. I'd forgotten Alex's powers have a signature that can be mistaken for magic in the first place. Now there's two more to worry about. Spirits this on top of him sucking up haze for who knows how long is turning into more of a headache by the day, if not the hour."[/b][/color] He stopped suddenly. Eyes wide and lips thin. an almost universal expression that he had not meant to say most of that out loud. Oops.