[color=00AEFF]”I’ve spent four years in the military, never had to fire a shot in anger.”[/color] Vigdis spoke after a noticeable pause when Kareet said soldiers of the same species had trouble killing each other, conversions of human time to K-A days becoming standard. [color=00AEFF]”I salvaged shipwrecks, killing another being was never something I gave much thought to, even less so after I got out. Until the Jotunheim’s dock got attacked a week ago. When the situation devolved into a ‘kill or be killed’ scenario, you’d be surprised how quickly I came around to the idea. Every animal just wants to live, and humans are no exception. But when someone else is determined to end that life and bullets are whizzing by your head, the most effective way of preventing that is to end theirs. Whether you can or can’t live with the guilt is a question that can only be answered once you’ve ensured you will be alive to feel guilty.”[/color] She shared her view somewhat melancholically, having postponed figuring out her answer to that last question until the more pressing source of existential dread had been dealt with. [color=00AEFF]”I’m saying this as if they are inherent and obvious truths because throughout a large portion of our history that we have written records of, they were. Despite a relatively peaceful time around 300 years ago, circumstances once more led to resource shortages and squabbling over land. When things such as lumber or fertile soil become scarce, people will do desperate things. I’m not saying it’s right, I’m saying that’s the way it is. Give it a thousand years and you’ll get there too. Maybe two thousand, magic and all.”[/color] She was by no means an anthropologist or biologist, but as an engineer she knew nothing worked for free. Unless the locals forever froze on their current technological and low enough population level, they’d one day be facing many of the challenges humans did, since even living beings were essentially engines burning oxygen and fuel, complete with their own emissions. [color=00AEFF]”Anyway, onto more pleasant topics.”[/color] Vigdis made a proverbial full stop behind that topic, her demeanor returning to her usual self. [color=00AEFF]”What’s next in your encyclopedia? Anatomy? History? A second opinion on some of your non-magical knowledge of the world around you?”[/color]