[center][h2][b]Kareet of Arcaeda[/b][/h2][/center] [hr] “I never said you were right or wrong. I also never said the S’tor were right or wrong.” Kareet said, glancing up for just a moment from the notes she was jotting down. “What I am saying, is that you seem to be living proof of the Archmagister’s philosophy. You are everything she wants us to become. Perhaps a bit more…enthused about warfare than she is, but the fact that you have found such strength through challenge is encouraging.” Even Kareet picked up on the fact that Vigdis wanted to move on from the topic, which in itself was interesting to note. The way she described her own people, they were a warrior race much like the S’tor. Yet, she was strangely defensive about that description. If there was one difference she could note between the two, it was that the S’tor took much more pride in their ways. “Of course, of course. I just have one piece of advice. Be careful who you tell those sorts of things to. Not everyone on Kanth-Aremek is as accepting of certain realities as we are. If the Mythadians were to get the impression that a more advanced version of the S’tor had appeared on their border, they may react poorly. If they were to start seeing you as a threat, rather than an opportunity, then you could be left with no choice but to take sides.” Kareet suggested, speaking softly. Strictly speaking, it could benefit her if the Humans were to give the wrong sort of impression to Silbermine, as it would leave them with no choice but to ally with the Ascendancy. However, a war could also end up damaging or destroying the Jotunheim, which would be an unacceptable loss of potential knowledge to her. Once she got through the notes, Kareet briefly put down her pen. “Since you are the one in front of me at the moment, it would probably be wise to ask about that which you are most knowledgeable. Anatomy will probably be the second chapter, but I think I can ask Kerchack about that, [i]if[/i] he is allowed to study you. If I may, I would suggest that you try to convince your Captain to allow it. I do not know the capabilities of your medicine, but Life magic can heal nearly any injury, short of the death of the brain. Any broken or lost limbs, any injuries no matter how severe, from the crash or before. Any member of your crew, as long as they are still alive, can be made whole again.”