[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6W7bqko.png[/img] [h2][color=FD0000]The Koopa Troop[/color][/h2] [b][color=FD0000]wordcount:[/color][/b] 1,865(+3) [b][color=FD0000]Bowser: Level 12 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=FD0000]//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (235/120) [b][color=SpringGreen]Bowser Jr: Level 12 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=SpringGreen]//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]// (118/120) [b][color=DeepSkyBlue]Kamek: Level 12 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=DeepSkyBlue]///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]/////////// (110/120) [b][color=Aqua]Rika: Level 8 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aqua]///////////////////////////////////////////[/color]///////////////////////////////////// (44/80) [b][color=FD0000]Location:[/color][/b] The Under - Home of Tears [hider=warp locations] [s] Central hub: Smash City Alcamoth Accessible locations: Peach’s castle Limsa Lominscuttle Town Lumbridge Twilight Town Kosm’s Beach [/s] [/hider] [/center] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Young master! Young mistress!”[/color] Kamek called out with a mix of frustration and chiding in his tone as he floated over to the pair. Quite relief that the pair seemed to have gotten out of the surprisingly dangerous pizza tower levels unharmed had been replaced by dismay as to what they had acquired. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Did you really get sweets? For breakfast of all things? And you’ve been eating them already too, you’ll spoil your appetite!”[/color] he told them, having spotted a smear of chocolate on Jr’s cheek. [color=Aqua]”That’s funny. The weird cookie baking meat grannies said that too before Sectonia banished them from the face of the world”[/color] Rika commented, not actually getting what she was being chided over, while Jr quickly hopped in to deflect blame [color=SpringGreen]”Also it was 100% her idea. Sectonia I mean”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Wha-! Why?”[/color] he demanded to know, only for jr to reply simply [color=SpringGreen]”She’s a giant bee”[/color] as all the explanation needed [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Ah…”[/color] the mage replied, deflating, while Bowser caught up and immediately asked [color=FD0000]”Oh neat, are those cookies?”[/color] before helping himself to one of them [color=FD0000]”Mmm, those are really good. But why do you have them”[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”You can put them on pizza papa!”[/color] the prince replied, which Bowser found a weird but neat idea. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Yes, well, perhaps go for something else for breakfast”[/color] Kamek suggested before the king started to set a bad example for his children. [color=Aqua]”Sure, I wanna try all the other stuff too after all”[/color] Rika replied to that suggestion, having had her fill of sweets for the moment, to which jr nodded in agreement with strength away, making Kamek wonder just how much sampling the pair had done while gathering. Probably as much as their father, he then immediately guessed, which given the king had snacked at every shop they’d been through, was probably a lot. Still, despite this, there was nothing like running for your life to work up an appetite all over again, and so all of them had space. Kamek especially, seeing as the area he had been to had not been compatible with his dietary habits. He was thus very pleased with the dancer and the thief for having acquired a whole host of fruits, and said as much, after which the mage immediately went ahead and ruined the troll's day by putting far more of those than should ever be on a pizza, well, on a pizza. Then he put some honey on-top for good measure. When presented with the veritable fruit salad Arno and Willa were understandably appalled by the fruit itself being on there, while interestingly Shyler, who had asked for more toppings when presented with just Sectonia’s fruit pizza now objected, presumably due to the presence of the honey. They were then all horrified to be next presented with Rika’s everything pizza, which, well, had everything on it. There was barely any pizza to be seen under the complete food pyramid she was having. Admittedly she had made it so that there was a spread of toppings across her pizza rather than everything being everywhere, resulting in an extreme version of a half and half pizza. An eight eights perhaps. Regardless, none of the trolls were having any of that, getting her a chorus of “there’s something on there I don’t like!” equivalents. So she stuck her tongue out at them, and then moved on. Bowser meanwhile drizzled some pork sausages in honey to get the closest he could to honey glazed ham (Willa and Shyler where not fans of something on there, Arno wanted more), mushrooms and peppers (no one liked that combo) and then finally a prawn and claw grated lemon zest combo (S more, W + A no). Finally Jr went with a pepperoni pizza (W more, A+S no, indicating a difference between plain and spiced sausage in terms of preference categories). Incidentally Kamek was the only one keeping track of all this out of the 4 of them, the rest far more interested in chowing down after having made their snubbed pizzas. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”I see, I see, it's like a puzzle in a way. How interesting”[/color] the mage noted to himself, before declaring that [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Well there’s only one way to go about solving that, and it's to find the ingredients they do like individually, and put them together after the fact”[/color] Then, rather than get up and do that himself, he just snapped his fingers, and summoned some dry bones to do that for him. What should have been an easy and lazy solution hit a snag as, having reviewed 8 pizzas already that didn’t meet their vague requirements, the trolls were starting to get antsy. As a result, after a pizza with just peppers (W more, S&A no) and just sweets (A more, S W no) a frustrated Willa gave the offending skeletal server a slap that sent it skidding backwards a few steps, unharmed, simply displaced, alongside the usual cry of dislike. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Well now, there’s no need for that”[/color] Kamek complained from over where he was dictating pizza production [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Here, how about, hmm, just honey, how do you feel about that?”[/color] “MORE TOPPINGS!” Arno shouted as he delivered a powerful looking right hook that, rather than breaking the dry bones as the force involved would suggest, instead launched it ceiling-wards. Like a rocket. Or someone at 999% damage being hit with a home run bat. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Wha-”[/color] Kamek began, only to be even more flabbergasted as the skeletal minion somehow penetrated through the ceiling and just kept going, phasing through a dozen floors of the pizza tower, through solid bedrock and then out into the open air high above. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Whaaaaat!”[/color] Kamek, who had a vague amount of sense sharing with even the dry bones, cried out as he jolted to his feet. Around him, the other dry bone’s slowed as the increasing distance added significant tax onto Kamek’s mana reserves. He was too transfixed to simply cut the connection however, and instead got to watch as the drybones flew high high into the sky, then arched down to go diving straight back towards Peach’s castle, the place where Kamek had started his journey. It fell, fell, faster and faster, and then suddenly physics switched around and it started to decelerate to the point that it ended its journey by softly touching down outside the castle gates. A gobsmacked Kamek, surrounded by collapsed manaless drybones, got a hazy vision of a very wary looking toad peeking his head out from behind the gate before both the bag of bones and its summoner collapsed from the manadrain caused by the extreme distance involved. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”He launched it all the way back to peach’s castle. All the way. Intact!”[/color] he murmured in awe as Bowser picked him back up, dusted him down, and settled him back down into a sitting position. [color=FD0000]”Gotta admit, that’s pretty impressive”[/color] Bowser replied, before frowning down at a half eaten pizza now splattered on the ground [color=FD0000]”Though he did also make you drop your pizza, the jerk”[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”Guess I’ll make you another one”[/color] Jr offered, and before Kamek could weakly protest commanded [color=SpringGreen]”Goombas! Go make him another one!”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Yes I suppose that would work”[/color] he muttered as the trolls said something about the goombas not being fleens as they set about making pizza, before starting and crying out [color=DeepSkyBlue]”No wait!”[/color] right before an unfortunate goomba was smacked in the face for having the audacity of making the same pizza twice. Unlike what Kamek had shouted out in fear about, apparently knockback did not apply to the spirit’s control, and as the slap did no damage, well, the only consequence was that another goobma had to catch his pizza, and the toad at the gates of peach’s castle got even more confused by the second falling and then disappearing Bowser minion. [color=FD0000]”Speaking of Peach’s castle-”[/color] Bowser moved on from all this as if this was the most normal thing in the world, and people weren't going to have to either copy Jr or request his aid when it came to making their pizzas from now on, (which was going to make mass production somewhat of a pain till someone solved the puzzle) [color=FD0000]”none of the rest of you had joined up by that point, right? Guess I should fill you all in on how this all started”[/color] [color=FD0000]”See, while you lot were minding your own business when the worlds ended, I was right there, at ground zero, facing down that big glow ball and his army of master hands. We were all going to take down a couple hundred of them each, when that loser of a lightbulb pulled its cheap trick and blasted everyone and everything. There was a buncha big deal heroes like Link, and Mario, and Samus and Snake and stuff there, along with big bad guys like me, and we all got blasted away”[/color] He started, which wasn’t the most encouraging beginning to the tale it had to be said [color=FD0000]”All except one. No idea how, but Kirby, he’s like a round pink ball this size who just eats and stuff apparently, he got away somehow. Flew faster than those beams of light and survived it all free from Galeem’s influence”[/color] he told them, [color=FD0000]”and then he crashed down at the top of this hill. Now I don’t know what I was doing there, but me, Tora, Blazermate, and a few others were already there, and I guess maybe someone used that power F used in the city, because we all tried to take him down”[/color] [color=FD0000]”Now, uh, obviously I knew something was up, and was holding back with my super strong willpower or something, because the pink ball beat us up, and free’d us all using those heart things. Handy that he knew how to use those”[/color] Bowser said, downplaying how he got his butt kicked. [color=FD0000]”Anyway, then he went off on his own, and the rest of us, well we saw Peach’s castle in the distance and so I set us off to go there. Along the way we fought some robots and other stuff. Oh, and we met that Master of Masters guy who told us how to use spirits. I think he said he learned how to do it from use in the future or something it was weird”[/color] he added, casually dropping some kind of time travel or clairvoyance into the picture before going on [color=FD0000]”oh and then the master hand also summoned a bunch of people the others cared about and forced them to fight. Not me though. Kinda weird, but I guess it was a bit pointless seeing as most of the people I cared about where inside Peach’s castle already”[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”Wouldn’t that have made summoning us easier. You know, just have me or Peach or whoever walk out the door?”[/color] Jr asked, finding this very odd [color=FD0000]”yeah, I dunno why that didn’t happen. Anyway, some of the others beat up their friends and freed em, and some, I dunno, gave up and became Galeeming because they didn’t wanna fight, and then we had to beat both of them up”[/color] Bowser explained, dropping yet more knowledge, and finally finishing with [color=FD0000]”and the after that we went inside and beat up another version of me. One with wings and things. Not sure what the deal with that was but apparently there can be more than one of you in here”[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”It was you from that time with the rabbids when the mega bug mind controlled you, so maybe it was really just that bug looking like it did when it was at its strongest. Though I guess Mario did kill that bug so, um, more time travel?”[/color] Jr scratched his head, not entirely sure if he was right [color=SpringGreen]”maybe, I guess, well, the Consuls are servants of Galeem and they’ve had time powers so far so, maybe Galeem also ate all of time as well as space? Which is, you know, kinda scary”[/color] And wasn’t that some fun information to mull over over breakfast.