[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/4nkb9ck3/subira.png[/img][/center] “Not just a stoneworker—I’m a force mage, my lord, and I also am learned in the practice of surveying.” [i]Damn[/i], she thought, ever so slightly biting her lip, [i]maybe a bit curt. Oh well. [/i]Reflecting on the previous days’ events, she considered Silbermine’s verbiage. “Is it really a temple? What would a deity be like to invoke such a temple…” She briefly lost herself in thought. There were, no doubt, grand religious edifices across Kanth-Aramek; working in construction, she was familiar with a few of them, particularly those in Mythadia’s capital whose intricate stonework never failed to grab Subira’s attention. Great ogival arches, daunting ceiling heights, and immaculate jointing were near universal in these especially public places. “My lord, if there’s one thing that I’m certain of, it’s that their… temple is not of a structure that exists anywhere on the continent, as far as I know. What is falling apart about it? I made a couple rounds, admittedly at a distance, and it is simply like nothing I’ve ever seen.” She paused. “It would seem that these humans have devised a way to build with metal,” she announced wearily, scrunching her eyes up, “and that just… eludes me. I could probably begin to get an understanding of what’s going on in there if I had, uh, access or, could talk to them or…” Her eyes flicked upwards as she scratched her temples. “In any case, my lord, buttresses are doable, without a doubt. How far beyond bare necessity do you want that project to go? Is there an urgent deadline?” Subira suppressed the urge to either roll her eyes or grimace at the way she was talking. [i]At least I’m not dealing with those Ascendancy dolts… although at this rate it looks like my hand will be forced.[/i] All the same, she was far below Silbermine, and was a total stranger in Mythadia. However silly she found it, she knew her place. “Again, I can also offer my services as a surveyor and a force mage.”