[quote=@Emeth] Ezekiel: [i]exists[/i] Raffaella: [color=palevioletred]Oh no.[/color] Me: Oh, [b][i]yes.[/i][/b] [@Aeolian] How taboo is divorce in this universe? I've been giving Raffaella's socioeconomic status some more serious thought. Would being divorced twice cost her dad a significant amount of political favor? [/quote] [color=7ea7d8][b]Just a quick note:[/b][/color] I'm pretty lenient when it comes to powers cause I want players to be creatively expressive, but power/vitesse nullification is one of the very few powers that I can't allow. That and flat-out reality warping. The abuse potential for those powers is just too great for me to allow in good conscious. But the applicant has already been contacted. Just needed to say that. :) As to your question, I never actually thought about marriage and divorce in this universe. On the spot, I would say it's not a big deal, but I think your narrative could definitely work if the nature of her father's divorces were high profile and super scandalous.