[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vJJh31u.png[/img][color=AE9864][h3][b]Ingrid Lucentia von Draph[/b][/h3][/color][sup]Interacting with: Wormwood [@Dark Cloud][/sup] The Bridge [color=a9a9a9]||[/color] About to Meal Prep [color=a9a9a9]||[/color] Gramhundling--whatever that means[/center] Ingrid slung her rod over her shoulder and let out an exasperated breath. [color=AE9864]"Quit the plumbuckering."[/color] Ingrid's diction was strange. At times, she spoke true to her noble roots. Other times, she spoke in the same brash ways as a commoner. She even knew multiple languages of which were complex and ornate. Unfortunately, Ingrid didn't quite have the capacity in her brain to properly be a polyglot. Sometimes, she used the wrong language for the wrong people. Other times, it led to something known as an Ingridism: a word that had been completely and independently conceived in Ingrid's mind as an actual word, yet it was a complete mystery of how it came about. Today, that word was plumbucker. [color=AE9864]"You just have to answer honest and earnest."[/color] She said as she scratched her head. Even if someone could be picked up by the head and used as a ball for games, that wasn't any reason why they would react like a fish out of water. [color=AE9864]"Answering like you got ants in your boots will just make it seem like you're up to something. And if you're just looking to fish, then by all means fish. Just like how I need to go prepare these fish, I don't need permission to do so.[/color] She pat her hips as if looking for something. Ah, that's what she forgot. Her knife.