[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/cool-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230623/c61369358b9ed5e2be9b171bbd6ab4a6.png[/img][/url] [img]https://i.imgur.com/HYiusNQ.gif[/img][/center] As soon as she was dismissed Lola left the room as fast as possible without running. Her faced burnt. Partially from anger at her mother for being so cruel for not meeting standards even she could and partially from holding back tears that had been threatening to fall that evening. She longed to just be a normal family, to not be cursed with these powers or responsibilities. She'd envied her cousins on her father's side, blissfully ignorant of the world she lived in. Even more so she longed for her father to be with her. She knew he'd know what to say to make her feel better. She'd always felt robbed of a closeness with him as she was smothered by her mother before his death. At his words Lola shook her head. [color=FFDDFD]"Stormages need more than just strong hydro powers. There's more to it, in ways I lack. It's fine. I don't care much about my power, what good has it done for us anyway? Honestly I just want to be normal,"[/color] she says with a sigh, continuing down the corridor but at a much slower pace. She took a moment to dwell on her brother's words before continuing on. [color=FFDDFD]"Dinner was always going to be a train wreck anyway, it always is. Mum either makes a remark against me or overexaggerates ignoring me, she make a fuss about how you're doing in the guild, she gets mad at one of the staff for whatever reason, you get frustrated and leave and eventually she angrily walks out. I essentially have a bingo card at this point,"[/color]