[center][img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.d7bc8c6513e63b745df4f92d5035ac1d?rik=kwro%2b0OjFTk3WA&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img] A [@Sailorsadie] & [@Soufflegirl123] collab Starring: [color=Teal]Delaney Barlowe[/color] & [color=DC143C]Miles Price[/color] [/center] [hr][hr] It was only a night after Lilith and Miles had made up yet here he was again, in front of Huskers once more but this time sat in his car. With the later time than when he met Lilith the night prior hed’s had time to get changed. He tapped his phone over his hand repeatedly as he walked from his car to the bar. He had to admit, it seemed borderline scandalous meeting another girl in a bar right after reconciling with an old love but it wasn’t like that with Delaney. The girl was his best friend, his wingman, nothing more. They just ignore the one time they were ever more. Miles pushed open the door to see Delaney at the bar, preparing a cocktail in a rambunctious display. He shook his head as he approached the bar with a goofy smile. He waited for the woman to serve her drink before calling out to her, [color=DC143C]”I just want all the tea you have in this place.”[/color] He slips into a barstool. Miles and Delaney’s monthly catch-up was one of his favourite parts of the month. Glancing up at the voice, she immediately beamed at the sight of him. It felt like forever since she had last seen him, even though it wasn’t more than a day. Delaney made sure all her current customers were set before moving over to Miles, pouring him a shot of his favorite. She handed it over before leaning against the bar. [color=teal]”Well, well. Aren’t you lucky? I happen to have [i]so[/i] much tea.”[/color] [color=DC143C]”I’m willing to bet not as much as I do,”[/color] Miles replies, leaning into the bar also. After a moment he picks up his shot and holds it out to Delaney in a silent toast before downing it and slamming the glass back on the table. [color=DC143C]”When do you finish? I don’t think you only want half a mind for some of this,”[/color] Delaney raised a brow at the confession before looking over her shoulder at the clock. She looked back at him before refilling his shot glass. [color=teal]”As if you don’t know when my shifts end. You’re my last customer.”[/color] She pushed away from the bar before winking at him. [color=teal]”Let me close out on my people and I’m all yours.”[/color] Without waiting for confirmation from him, she nodded and started closing out the tabs of the patrons at the bar. It was about ten minutes later before joining him at the other side of the bar. She nodded to her relief to pour her a shot of rum before she looked back at Miles. [color=teal]”Alright. Who first?”[/color] As Delaney joined his at the table, Miles gave her shoulder a nudge. [color=DC143C]”Welcome to the fun side,”[/color] he jokes before ordering a beer from the bartender. After all the drinking the past week he was sure his liver was going to hate him. At the woman’s question, Miles cocks his head slightly in thought. His beer is placed in front of him and he takes a drink, still thinking through her question. [color=DC143C]”How about we flip a coin for it?”[/color] he offers, pulling his tattered leather wallet from his back pocket and producing a dime. [color=DC143C]”Head or tails for you to start?”[/color] Looking down at his wallet, she snorted and shook her head before throwing back her shot. She set it back down on the table and nodded for a refill before returning her attention to Miles. [color=teal]”Hmm…Let’s go for tails this time. Though I have a feeling I know what your tea is all about.”[/color] Miles chuckles at her comment, wondering how close she really was to guessing his new. Probably further than she thought. [color=DC143C]”I’m not so convinced you do,”[/color] Miles muses before flipping the coin in the air. He snatches it in his hand and slaps it onto the back of his other hand in a closed fist. He then reveals the coin to show tails facing up. [color=DC143C]”You first, Disco Inferno,”[/color] he says, slipping the coin into his pocket. [color=DC143C]”First lemme guess. He took you back to his place and cooked you dinner. You slow danced under the stars and talked about your traumas and feelings then he dropped you home with a kiss on the forehead like the good boy he is?”[/color] Miles guesses, his voice half mocking in a few places. Delaney smirked at the man and raised a brow. He didn’t know her at all. Well, he did. But he didn’t know her and Rowan. Picking her new shot glass up, she brought it to her lips and grinned. [color=teal]”Well, yes. There was dancing.”[/color] She knocked back her shot and placed the glass back onto the table. Running a hand through her hair, she sat back in her chair. [color=teal]”He made me dinner, like the good boy he is.”[/color] Her smirk broadened as her eyes held a bit of a sparkle. [color=teal]”[i]And[/i] he made me breakfast.’[/color] [color=DC143C]”Damn, girl. Look at you go,”[/color] he says, pointing his bottle in her direction calling for the clink of glasses before taking another swig. [color=DC143C]”So does that make you fully off the market now?”[/color] Clinking her empty glass against his, she let out a slow breath and shrugged. She looked up at the bartender. [color=teal]”I’ll switch to beer now.”[/color] Looking back over at Miles, Delaney scrunched her nose and grinned. [color=teal]”Well, he asked me to be his lady.”[/color] She bit the inside of her cheek as she looked away from him. [color=teal]”I like him, Miles. Like…[i]like[/i] him. I want this to be it. I want-”[/color] Letting out another breath, she shrugged before looking back at the man. [color=teal]”I want Rowan to be it for me.”[/color] She huffed out a breath and nodded as her beer was delivered. Picking it up, she sipped at it. [color=teal]”And that feeling alone scares the hell out of me.”[/color] Miles’ fingers tapped against the glass bottle as she talked, his voice remaining silent until she mentioned Rowan asking her out. [color=DC143C]”Boy howdy!”[/color] he called out in response. One of the few southern phrases he’d picked up from his family and the Montomerys, although it seemed out of place in his Pacific Northwestern accent. [color=DC143C]”Look at you go, truly a one person woman now,”[/color] He was happy for his friend, it was about time she found her happiness too. As she confessed her last line, Miles nodded along. He knew that feeling way too well, he’d felt it with her but maybe in a different flavour. For him it was less of the fear of something new but moreso the fear of messing it up… again. [color=DC143C]”I get it,”[/color] he shrugs before taking another sip of beer. [color=DC143C]”Is he worth the fear?”[/color] Delaney took only a moment to think about his question. With a slow grin, she brought the bottle back to her lips before nodding. [color=teal]”Yeah. I really think he is.”[/color] She huffed out a breath and shook her head. [color=teal]”He was, [i]is[/i] amazing. Sorry, Miles, but you have nothing on him. Whatsoever.”[/color] The girl smirked then nudged him. [color=teal]”Now. Enough about me. What about you and Lil? The thunderstorm back together again?”[/color] [color=DC143C]”Wow, rude. I guess some people just don’t know perfection when they experience it,”[/color] Miles jokes, nudging his friend in return before bringing the bottle to his lips. At her question he gave her a goofy grin. [color=DC143C]”Well, do you want the long or short story? I promise the long story is probably worth your while,”[/color] ]color=teal]”Oh, I’m going to need more alcohol for this.”[/color] She waved her hand at the bartender. [color=teal]”Shots, and keep them coming.”[/color] Delaney finished her beer before tossing it in the garbage can behind them. She looked back over at him and nodded. [color=teal]”Alright, hit me. I’m sure whatever put that dumb grin on your face is so worth my time.”[/color] [color=DC143C]”Oh, where do I start?”[/color] Miles half teases before downing his own bottle of beer and setting the empty bottle next to him on the bar table. [color=DC143C]”I would start with last Monday but honestly you probably figured as much as either Lil and I remember. We were [i]wasted[/i], man.”[/color] He starts before calling for another shot himself. [color=DC143C]”Anyway, her grandpa John figured it out. Threatened me with a gun- not that I’m all that surprised. Oh! And Carlisle lives with them now?”[/color] At this moment Miles shot was set in front of him and he downs it. She just sat there and blinked at him. Delaney had the inkling that Lilith and Miles had hooked back up, but there was so much more to unravel here. John threatening Miles- actually, no. That one didn’t really surprise her. But Carlisle living with them? Scoffing, she sat back in her chair as she looked off. [color=teal]”That guy just keeps getting himself involved with Lil somehow. When the hell is he ever going to get the message?”[/color] She rolled her eyes and downed her own shot. [color=DC143C]”He still doesn’t when it punches him in the face, literally. I kinda feel sorry for the man. I swear Lil nearly killed him.”[/color] Miles stops himself for a while. While he wanted to tell his friend about his godmother who died a decade ago returning he knew that was the last thing the Montgomerys wanted getting out while she readjusted to the land of the living. He hides his hesitation with a call for another beer. [color=DC143C]”So family dinner was kinda a bust, I have to say. I was hoping to talk to Li just to figure out what is going on between us but between everyone just being at everyone’s throats it funnily enough didn’t come up,”[/color] [color=teal]”Eh, he probably deserved it,”[/color] she responded. She held no love for the man, and was definitely not a fan. By a long shot. Delaney shook her head and took another shot when it was placed in front of her. [color=teal]”I still can’t believe you went to the family dinner. After everything. [i]Especially[/i] knowing how old man Montgomery is when it comes to Lilith. And, quite honestly, how he feels about you.”[/color] At Delaney’s response Miles shrugged and scratched the back of his neck. [color=DC143C]”I don’t know, I guess I was kinda hoping enough time had passed that things would go back to the way they were. In my defense we did plan this before Lilith woke up in my bed,”[/color] Miles replies with a huff. Letting out her own little huff, she shook her head and eyed the man. She felt sorry for him, in a way. Delaney knew he was head over heels for Lilith, but there was a lot of pain there. She had seen the two together and it was like oil and flame. Then again, nobody else made more sense together than the two of them. She just hoped her best friend wouldn’t get hurt in the process. Or do something to fuck it all up again. [color=teal]”Look, Mi. You know I love ya. But you two need to figure this shit out before it blows up in your faces again.”[/color] [color=DC143C]”Yes, yes, I’m getting there,”[/color] Miles jokingly chastises before clearing his throat for dramatic effect. [color=DC143C]”Last night,”[/color] he begins, looking his friend in the eyes, [color=DC143C]”We met up again. And before you make some comment about me coming on too strongly or whatever, Li invited me out.”[/color] He takes another sip of his beer before continuing. [color=DC143C]”To start with, she just wanted something casual, I guess is the best way to put it, but I don’t know if I could take that, not anymore. Anyway, we talked, quite a bit and, well, we’re official again,”[/color] he says before downing his drink before his friend could contribute. Delaney blinked at him before playfully shoving at his arm. [color=teal]”You could have started out with that. Making me sit here thinking I’m gonna witness hellfire again.”[/color] Taking another shot, she sat back and folded her arms across her chest. As she thought, she couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped her chest. [color=teal]”Damn. Look at us. You with Lilith, me with Rowan. One person people.”[/color] She scrunched her nose. [color=teal]”When the hell did we grow up?”[/color] [color=DC143C]”Who woulda thunk it?"[/color] Miles asks in agreement, slumping over his next drink. [color=DC143C]”Do you have that sinking feeling? Like you’re scared you’re just gonna screw it up again? I was so so sure that I’d never mess up again, that I'd be perfectly committed but the more I think about it the more I’m scared I’ll get it wrong.”[/color] Miles turns back to his friend. Despite sharing such joyous news his face was almost twisting in internal pain. [color=DC143C]”I can’t lose her again, D. I really can’t”[/color] Looking over at best friend, she let out a slow breath before offering up a slight nod of her head. [color=teal]”You won’t. We’re older now, we’ve learned from our mistakes.”[/color] Delaney cleared her throat and looked down at her drink. [color=teal]”But I get what you’re saying. I barely have Rowan and I’m terrified of doing something stupid.”[/color] She shrugged her shoulders and looked back at Miles. [color=teal]”But you two love each other. Everyone knows this. Just don’t stop fighting for her, okay? Don’t run anymore.”[/color] Miles forces a small laugh. [color=DC143C]”For almost a decade running is all I've done. Running and distracting and blaming. I just don't know if I know how to live any other way."[/color] Miles gives an exasperated sigh, bringing his new bear to his lips. [color=DC143C]”I suppose you're right though. We're older and wiser… I hope,"[/color] She scoffed and rolled her eyes at him. [color=teal]”You’re older. I’m wiser.”[/color] Giving him a small grin, she shrugged her shoulders. [color=teal]”You’ve already proven you can live another way, Mi. You came back to Lilith. And despite everything, the two of you are back together now.”[/color] Delaney groaned and shook her head. [color=teal]”Just, whatever you do, don’t tell her we slept together. I rather like my hair in my head, okay?”[/color] Miles chuckles, giving his friend’s shoulder a squeeze. [color=DC143C]”I suppose I’ll save that little tidbit for when you really get on my bad side,”[/color] he teases. Delaney eyed him. [color=teal]”Don’t make me waste a decent drink on your head.”[/color] Looking down at her phone as a notification went off, she visibly became more soft. [color=teal]”Anyway, Rowan wants to have dinner. I’ll see you when I see you. Don’t fuck up.”[/color] Leaning over, she placed a kiss on top of his head, ruffled his hair, and walked out of the bar, leaving him with the tab.