[indent][indent][indent][indent][color=EE4B2B]"Well, I only prefer the smaller pizza places anyway. I am not a fan of fine dining myself. Greasy food just tastes better!"[/color] Aloysius said with a soft chuckle. He would slowly lead the duo towards the front door, picking up his jacket as he did and sliding it on. [color=EE4B2B]"It is not like i could actually pull anyone. Sides, I can't remember the last time we had a family vacation. If I was to hazard a guess it was back to Japan when I was 13"[/color] Buttoning up his jacket, he took a moment to pull a comb out and run it through his hair so that the parting was nice and neat. [color=EE4B2B]"It will be fun to laze around and take in some sun. We could even just drive and go somewhere else. So long as it isn't New York."[/color] Aloysius would then open the front door and hold it for Lola to let her out. [color=EE4B2B]"Besides, it will be nice to get close to the water, it might help you feel refreshed"[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]