[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] The northwestern gate of the city of Valhiem is the entrance which falls in the jurisdiction of the paladin's protection. The building nestled into the space next to the big grated, iron spiked gate. This building is called ‘Paladin’s Respite’. In the service of the ‘Church of the Source’ they uphold duties to chosen deities, whether they were partying adventurers or not. Gifted with the Source crystal or not. Barracker entered the town of Valhiem through the northwestern gate. Two paladins grunted under their breath as a sign of a not so warm greeting to the young man. He walked through and passed them without a tilt of the head or any acknowledgement. Barracker strode past the fencing area of where lay the training grounds. There were a couple of paladins practising the art of fighting on combat dummies. Inside, Barracker walked down the long hallway lined with candle sconces towards a concrete table at the end, where he turned left into the main chamber. He was met with an Inquisitor where he could hand in the trophy of the dead witches. Barracker narrowed his eyes with disgust for the man sitting across from him. You wouldn’t be able to tell as he was still wearing his face mask. “So,” the Inquisitor grinded his teeth, “what can i do for the devils spawn?” Barracker held out his fist and sprinkled a dozen and half nails onto the table. [color=green]“Three witches.”[/color] Witches use three fingers to cast magic. Their fingernails have special markings of the dark domain and also Hell, the oblivion plane. [color=green]“Hades will look down on you if you count them wrong again.”[/color] Barracker had been accidentally underpaid for his last two jobs hunting creatures who walked in the shadow of the oblivion plane. “ Aah yes it will be done,” the Inquisitor replied apologetically and waved him off. Barracker wasn’t convinced these were accidents. It wasn’t exactly a secret most paladins weren’t happy that a man with vampirism could serve the church. These were the kinds of afflictions that the paladins were trying to purge from the world. So everytime Barracker completed a job and was rewarded with Piety, increasing his reputation and standing with the church. It was regarded as an insult to everything they stood for. Barracker remained unphased and did not care, as long the high septum Areleth had faith in him. Barracker left ‘Paladins Respite’ and went to take a rest at his dorm in the Temple of the Quinity. It was late afternoon, and he was tired as he’d been in the sun all day.