[img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/dd/32/cf/dd32cf486c08c4477bd1f58895cd7d2d--sci-fi-concept-art.jpg[/img] hundreds of Years after a Nano-virus plagued the earth, the remnants of humanity are forced to build massive walled cities to defend themselves from the mindless infected known as Cyber-beast. Humanity isn't alone in it's fight however, as a few of these infected came to retain their humanity and gained abilities beyond that of normal humans. These Cyberknights each have a unique ability ranging from being able to make force fields to controlling elements. They are what stands between Humanity and extinction. [hider= History of The World] In the early 2000's Medi-Tech, a pharmaceutical company poured millions of dollars into an advanced research grant on a cure-all for cancer sparking a wave of advancements that lead to the development of Nano-tech. 2020 marked the first successful human test trail, as a women named Merry Kiplan was cured of breast cancer in little under a week of treatment. 2024, the first wave of shots for the “Cure-all” was introduced to the public as both a cure and preventative measure for a wide range of diseases and genetic damage. 2040: an A.I. System was developed to oversee the distribution of the “Cure-all 2.0” A long lasting version of the nano-bots that could self-reproduce using the hosts dead-cells s scaffolding to make more nano-bots. 2056: The A.I. System is housed in Canada and gets high jacket by a radical terrorist hacking group, uploading a mess of coding that sends the nanobots into overload. Before the virus can take hold, A researcher uploads a countermeasure to preserve a many lives as he can. The research center is blown up by an onsite explosive system to prevent any other nano-bots for getting out. The Virus takes effect, and thousands die from the ravaging nanites. 2057: Hundred of Thousands around the world become hulking monsters of flesh and metal, mindlessly hunting down the remaining humans, forcing them to build massive walled cities to defend themselves from the beast. 2060: The first Cyberknights awake from stasis near a walled city in the northern UK. Three of them defended the city from a massive wave of Cyber-beast. They exhibited superhuman abilities and powers. The United Human Alliance was founded after contact was reestablished due to 001's ability to manipulate radio waves. 2080: The Walled City of New Huston was raised near the Gulf of Mexico, Becoming a major trade hub in north America and port city. The UHA Starts studying the Cyberknights too make Augmented Humans too help fight the Cyber-beast. After linking up to a series of surveillance satellites the UHA sees a massive scar of nano-machines covering most of the northern part of north America, a group of scouts were sent in, contact was lost. 2120: The internet is reestablished using up-link satellites, A database of Cyberknigts is formed in order to monitor them as a faction of human purist start a campaign against them, forming a splinter government to purge “Dangerous” Technology from the world. A council is formed to Run the UHA after the last leader stepped down. 2170: The splinter group attacks major cities across the world, eventually being taken down by the UHA Military. The first Intelligent Cyber-beast spotted in low-land China, The Walled city of Tiě qiáng was lost. 2230: Current year [/hider] [hider=Everything about Cyberknights] Cyberknights are humans that have undergone a major transformation due to a cybernetic virus introduced through nanites. During this process a person is put into coma and any technology in a 300ft radius is slowly integrated into a shifting mass of flesh and metal. During this time the Technology is integrated into the person and can have a verity outcomes for said Cyberknights abilities. The process can take varying lengths of time, some took only a few years while others took hundreds. Cyberknights still mostly look like humans however they have orbs that absorb solar energy across their bodies, anywhere from five to twenty. They always have one on their tongue and on their hands and feet. These orbs can also fire energy out of them, contrasted blast of solar energy that can level buildings. Their eyes have pathways in the iris that set them apart from humans. When they are in trouble or need a boost in power they can take on a armored form that reflects their abilities. Some can take on a second armored form but this is extremely rare. All Cyberknights are much stronger and faster than normal humans, being able too lift metric tons and run up too 180 miles and hour at full sprint. They can jump insanely high and can take a beating, in their humanoid form they can take fire from a tank round without much damage but if they get hit a lot in a short time by them they will receive a lot of damage. In their armor form they are almost impervious to damage unless they are fighting a high ranked Cyber-beast or another Cyberknight. Every Cyberknight has a unique ability. Some have Physical augmentations far beyond normal Cyberknights, some can control elements or even concepts such as gravity. A few have powerful weapons that they can summon to aid them in combat. Anything you can think of is possible for an ability. [/hider] [hider=Everything about Cyber-Beast] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/11/e3/e4/11e3e43e8b9325242126298e2dee6591.jpg[/img] Cyber-beast are humans corrupted by the nano-virus. Like the Cyberknights, they too are a combination of flesh and machine, however they are mindless killers focused on infecting or hunting down uninfected humans. They are tough to kill with ballistic weapons, but as long as you find its core it's possible. Cyber-beast can range in size from a normal human, or they can tower to the size to skyscrapers. On rare occasions a cyber-beast can regain its human memories and become some akin to a Cyberknight but far more unstable. They are just as strong and fast as Cyberknights, however they lack abilities unless the regain some sense of self. Cyber-beast can be “Cured” If they regain a sense of self, however they are just as likely to slip back into insanity. [/hider] This is just a little overview of the RP, if enough people are interested I will post a thread, the main story, and a CS