[center][color=C48BD3][h3]Eula[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] The siege upon Terauchi temple had begun, with the swarm of Varjan soldiers proving a formidable tide of steel and bodies. Eula was out an arm, and didn't have the element of surprise to try and ambush some. The sad reality of it was, in a grand scale conflict, a weapon that couldn't kill people was nothing more than a hindrance at best. Kerry's look of resolution was what she'd expected. Kerry likely expected Eula to return and fight her, but...that was irrelevant at the moment. All consequences needed to wait while the siege was repelled. Human lives had to be saved, even if it meant pushing herself to the point of non-functioning. Eula would hold the line alongside the others, firing off the occasional bolt of stunning energy, or using her metallic arms to shield others from thrown projectiles. She needed a chance to break through, to find the commander, and incapacitate him. In all likelihood, the mage she encountered earlier was who she was looking for...and without the element of surprise, she could only hope that she would stand a chance against him with one malfunctioning arm.