Idk if this is the right spot to post this, if not please tell me where. :) [color=8882be]Quote: "-People Are Dumb.-" [u][b]~General Information~[/b][/u] Name: Camilla Mizuki. Nick-Names: Cam. Sex/ Gender: Trans Female. Age: 17. Place Of Origin: New York. Camp Cabin: 20. Appearance - 17 Years Old: (I can't attach picture for some reason, so I'll just describe her.) -Dark brown hair -Tanned skin -Brown eyes -Usually wears: T-shirt, Jacket, Jeans, Sneakers. [u][b]~Relationship Information~[/b][/u] Relationship Status: Single. Sexuality: Lesbian. Partner: N/A Godly Parent: Nemesis. Human Parent: Justin Mizuki. Siblings: Has a one year old brother, born when she was 13. Legacy: None. Pet/s: Had a cat named beanz 🐈. Other: Has pretty good luck. [u][b]~Personal Information~[/b][/u] Personality: Doesn’t trust people who look like they could be a threat. Enjoys pranking people and stealing stuff. When someone makes her upset, she will seek revenge. Has ADHD & Autism, but keeps high grades because of her luck. Dislikes the way society is structured. Can be selfish at times. Doesn’t like to apologies. Has great strength when angry enough, but usually fights from a distance with her long whip. Skills: Speed in short distances, Sword fighting, Math, Cooking. [u][b]Biography:[/b][/u] Born in New York, Camilla Lived in an apartment with her dad. When she was seven, she came out as trans. Got bullied at school, which is where her resentment started. Bad things always seemed to happen to people who hurt her. At twelve years old, a satyr saved her from a hellhound. This is just around after the “Titans Curse” book takes place. One day, she hears about the river Styx and the curse of Achilles, and immortality. She thinks this is the chance to get back at humans. She runs away to the underworld. She is about to jump in the river but realises that she’s going to die. Suddenly Nico, who was also in the underworld at the time, grabs her hand and pulls her out. She thanks Nico, who tries to ask her questions, but she runs away. She becomes almost immortal, with only the back of her left hand where she was pulled out by being weak. She goes calls for her mother, Nemesis’s help, who gives her whip, intertwined with celestial bronze. After about a few months of training, she gets ready to attack New York. She shows up at her old school and captures students. A satyr from that school brings new of the attack, and Percy, Annabeth and Clarisse go to stop it. With her luck, she is able to beat the three of them for some time. Clarisse attacks her, but it seemingly does no damage. Annabeth recognises this to be the curse of Achilles. The three try to find her weak spot and notice that she always has her left hand in her pocket. Percy goes in for the strike, faking a blow to her right, making her move her hand. He then slashes at her hand, making a small cut. She falls down in agony. Her hand is covered in blood. This is where she dies. It’s not over though. Her mother, Nemesis, feels that it is unfair that her daughter was killed, when she was only fighting for justice, and killing only those who sinned. Eventually Hades agrees to bring her back, but her Achilles strength is gone. She arrives at camp and apologises for what she did. She now stays there as a year-round camper. [u][b]~Demigod Information~[/b][/u] Demigod Abilities: Tychokinesis (the ability to control luck) Never forgets insults, can roughly sense a persons morality, karmic value, ect [u][b]~Weaponry Information~[/b][/u] Weapon/s: Whip, Sword (sometimes) Weapon/s Name: ΔÎșÎŽÎŻÎșηση, vengeance. Weapon/s Type: Whip (about 2 metres long). Attributes: Can become a yo-yo, which fits in her pocket.[/color] That's all I think. Hopefully that's enough.