[center][b]I[/b][/center] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iV_cze239nw&list=PLHB7pQtzGtiWCUCOfh1rFyRHk-EkxvZXa&index=154&ab_channel=HDSounDI]“Go, beyond this world…”[/url] Was all that Layn could hear, a memory of a sound so loud that it drowned out the roar of the colossal thrusters and the mad beating of her heart. The sight of the heavens above them getting closer and closer, the endless possibilities of having a whole universe to explore, for a lifelong adventurer it was a dream come true. [center][b]II[/b][/center] [color=blanchedalmond]“... Far beyond the sight of the Gods…”[/color] Even with Luna’s body sunk into the cushioned material of her seat, she could feel her heart break as she listened to the memory. Leaving everything behind – Her memories, her home, her friendship with the Light… Luna struggled with all her might to speak, to confess her true feelings to the person that had raised her, to hear her voice one last time. [center][b]III[/b][/center] [color=blanchedalmond]“...Where you can be safe…”[/color] Mitt fought desperately against the mist in his eyes. At that moment it felt like all the sand in the Frontier of Tears had gone into them, but he knew better. He knew that the memory would repeat not only now, but forever more. Quieter than now, perhaps, but he knew that every time the sound echoed in his head, he’d remember the Dunes he left behind, the food he never ate, the people he never met… And he would remember those who never had the chance to leave those things behind. [center][b]IV[/b][/center] Leon grit his teeth so hard one of his fangs cracked, but he did not feel it then. He felt only shame, only humiliation, only anger and sadness. That they had to leave their home, that they had to leave their whole lives behind, because… Because… Bitter tears ran down the sides of his face, his expression dark and eyes dull. For a moment, he felt the blistering sandstone of the streets of the Sanctuary beneath his bare feet. He felt the hunger of a dozen days without food. He felt the despair that had been the rule throughout his life, eating away at his soul and mind. [color=blanchedalmond]“... Where you can have a future.”[/color] And then he felt a single ray of hope – Not enough to blind him, but enough to show him that Light existed, that there was something to look forward to, even when one lived in Hell. It calmed him down. [center][b]V[/b][/center] As New Sanctuary broke through the heavens with a trail of smoke and Essence behind it, Aella dropped to her knees on the hot sand of the Frontier. Panting, sweating, bleeding from her eyes, ears, nose and mouth, she lay there on top of the dune. Had she been a mortal, she would have passed out long ago due to the pain. Shakily, she lifted her head up to see the Flying City disappear into the sky above the sky and let out a trembling gasp of relief. Sending her children far beyond the grasp of the others was the only thing Aella could think of that would ensure their safety. The only way to save them from the coming wars. But it wasn't goodbye. [color=blanchedalmond]"I promise to meet you all again some day. After this land has healed and we have achieved harmony, I will look for you... No matter how long it takes."[/color] The hole in the sparsely clouded skies closed back up and Aella hung her head and slowly crumpled to the ground. Her pink tears dripped onto the sand as she began to lose consciousness. Footsteps in the sand approached. [color=blanchedalmond]“Regulus, Larwen… You’ve come for me…”[/color] The Goddess muttered and passed out.