[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220729/023912a75a8a9b16c801799640a60148.png[/img] [H3]Sector 05 ~ Seiran Hideout[/h3] [@Lugubrious] Goldewis, Giovanna, Tora | [@DracoLunaris] Midna | [@Zoey Boey] Sakura & Karin | [@Archmage MC] Blazermate, Susie, & Roland | [@Multi_Media_Man] Geralt & Zenkichi | [@Yankee] Pit | [@Truthhurts22] Raz | [@Dark Cloud] Benedict & Partitio [b]Word Count:[/b] 881 [b]Level 6 Roxas:[/b] 40/60 [b]Exp:[/b] 2 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 42/60[/center] Roxas didn't say too much on the way back to the hideout. He was mostly just tired from what felt like an eternally long day. Thanks to his earlier side trip to a sushi bar he wasn't hungry. But he sure was thirsty to make up for it. Once they were back Roxas found himself sitting in the meeting room with everyone else sipping on two separate drinks. One was a glass of water and the other one was a bottled energy drink. And that's when all the discussion started. First to speak up was Goldlewis, offering an explanation that he and Chaos both came from the same world. Well, at least that meant they had someone who knew how this guy thinks. That was at least something. But something about it all still bugged him. And he figured he ought to get the question out there now before it was too late to ask, [color=Gold]"About these Consul guys. You guys are telling me they're on Galeem's side, but, well... Why? Why would anyone side with something like Galeem? What are they getting out of all this that they weren't already getting in their own world?"[/color] He shook his head, unable to fathom why any of these Consuls would be doing all of this. And while Roxas waited for his answer, a few more things were happening at around the same time. First was Susie and Blazermate, or more specifically, Susie saying that advanced technology to could bring any magic to heel. Roxas couldn't help but offer a retort, [color=Gold]"I wouldn't be so sure of that."[/color] He told Susie, [color=Gold]"There was once a guy in my world who tried to do exactly what you're describing. He believed that Darkness and the mysteries of the Heart were things he could understand and control by applying science and experimentation. And do you know how that turned out for him? It ended with his entire world becoming overrun and nearly destroyed by the very Darkness he was trying to study. Some things just aren't meant to be controlled or understood."[/color] As for the discussion about how to get to the Guardian, Roxas already knew what he was going to suggest regarding that. But not quite everyone was present just yet and he wanted to make sure everyone heard what he was going to bring up for that. Instead he focused his attention on the conversation between Geralt and Zenkichi. They were talking about the guy that the latter had asked Chaos about. And that led to Zenkichi explaining just what that Konoe guy's deal was. That made Roxas think, and recall a certain individual from his own world, [color=Gold]"So he thinks he knows what the world needs and is willing to do any horrible thing to make it happen. Sounds like someone I remember from my own world. He was convinced that Darkness would inevitably destroy everything and so his solution was that the entire world needed to be remade without Darkness in it. I can't even begin to describe the sheer number of lives he manipulated and ruined to try and make that happen. Mine included. He was the real architect behind Organization XIII. He was even willing to travel back in time in order to recruit his younger self to help him with his cause.[/color] [color=Gold]"Speaking of which,"[/color] Roxas added, now looking around at everyone, [color=Gold]"I still can't figure out how the Organization fits into all of this. We had a perfectly good opportunity to ask that Consul about it but no one did."[/color] Roxas shouldered his share of the blame for that. He would've certainly used his own question to ask about that, had Chaos not claimed that he already wasted it. He was kicking himself for being too quick with his question. After all, the Organization was [i]the[/i] reason he was even here now. And he just let what could have been his first real lead slip through his fingers. But before he could dwell on this topic any longer, Giovanna finally returned and with yet another Turk in tow. He wasn't Galeem'd so he was probably okay. That also meant that pretty much everyone was here now. So Roxas could finally let them all in on what he was actually thinking, [color=Gold]"Glad everyone's here, because you all need to know what I'm about to tell you."[/color] he said, almost perking up a bit at the prospect of delivering form of good news, [color=Gold]"Getting to that Guardian won't be a problem. Doesn't matter how much they have it locked down, not as long we've got [i]this[/i]!"[/color] At the last word he summoned one his Keyblades and gently set it down on the table, [color=Gold]"The Keyblade, it's not just a weapon. It's a [i]key[/i] too. One that can open all sorts of locks without fail. [i]Any[/i] lock."[/color]