[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221005/7d7c778891f3387ab231a2bbd26f2d1e.png[/img] [H3]The Under ~ Pizza Tower[/h3] [@Lugubrious] Nadia | [@DracoLunaris] The Koopa Troop | [@Yankee] Primrose & Therion | [@Archmage MC] Sectonia | [@Zoey Boey] Jesse | [@Scarifar] Rubick | [@Truthhurts22] Ichiban | [@Majoraa] Omori | [@Dark Cloud] Artorias [b]Word Count:[/b] 570 [b]Level 5 Ganondorf:[/b] 11/50 [b]Exp:[/b] 1 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 12/50[/center] Ganondorf, perhaps wisely, chose to let others have their pizzas made before he did anything himself. Having no idea what the stuff even was, the Gerudo wanted to see what the most common elements of it were before making any decisions himself. From what he observed, the cheese and sauce were mandatory. Without those the food itself, which turned out to be a flat pie-like dish, lost its identity and wasn't "a real pizza" as Bowser seemed to insist. He watched others end up with pies topped with combinations of meat and vegetables. As well as Rika creating a rather disgusting-looking thing that had absolutely everything on it all at once. Honestly it was almost enough to make one lose their appetite. Almost. When it was finally Ganondorf's turn, he settled on a combination of pepperoni, ham, and sausage. He'd risked his neck to get those meats so he damn well was going to enjoy the fruits of that labor. But having meat only seemed like too plain of a dish. And so Ganondorf chose to also add some of the peppers that Therion brought, which he was solemnly warned would make the pizza very spicy and possibly too difficult to eat. [color=797979]"Ha, please."[/color] Ganondorf boasted, [color=797979]"I'd welcome that challenge."[/color] he wasn't about to let a little spice scare him away from the pizza he had decided on. Besides, it couldn't possibly be any worse than the mostly-bug-based dishes that Toriel had been feeding him down in the Ruins. He welcomed the chance to eat some [i]real[/i] food for a change. And so, a bit of time later, Ganondorf was eating a pizza pie that could be best described as a spicy meat-lovers. In fact the peppers on his pizza could be smelled by everyone around him. For some this might be a tantalizing smell. For the faint of heart who didn't like spicy food? Probably not so much. But the King of Evil himself seemed to be enjoying it well enough. Albeit he had a big glass of water next to him on standby in case things got a little... dicey. But during this time was when the conversation turned to people telling their stories. After Bowser's explanation of being at ground zero of Galeem's attack, the Gerudo raised his hand, [color=797979]"For the record, I was there too when Galeem first attacked."[/color] he added. After the Koopa King said his piece Ganondorf decided he might as well elaborate a bit more on how he ended up down here. [color=797979]"After Galaeem's initial attack, I was chained up down in the Ruins until you all arrived."[/color] While he initially said this with a grimace, that seemed to quickly form into a smirk, [color=797979]"Clearly Galeem or his Consuls must fear me to go to such lengths to keep me from rising up. For all the good it will do them in the end. I still got free, and I'll still have my revenge before all this is done. They will rue the day they made an enemy of ME."[/color]