[center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/d4aa2c71-8e36-4263-9bd4-4f7bac0029b2/dflfb2a-7be6822f-9d22-4ddf-957e-ba458b03d061.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2Q0YWEyYzcxLThlMzYtNDI2My05YmQ0LTRmN2JhYzAwMjliMlwvZGZsZmIyYS03YmU2ODIyZi05ZDIyLTRkZGYtOTU3ZS1iYTQ1OGIwM2QwNjEucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.9wHiAp7zsgdO8SdeXJuq5hn2z2WQGJMa4hnljiI6NQM[/img] [H3]Edinburgh MagicaPolis[/h3] [@Lugubrious] Big Band | [@Yankee] Ace Cadet | [@Truthhurts22] Wonder Red [b]Word Count:[/b] 862 [b]Level 1 Mewtwo:[/b] 19/20 [b]Exp:[/b] 2 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 21/20[/center] Mewtwo unfortunately had no real context for what they were doing. They mentioned something about looking for a lost Seeker, but that was the extent of what he understood. He knew nothing about the missing person in question nor did he know how that one person could make all the difference. But the Pokemon had nothing better to do and so he went along with it for now. He'd have preferred to go back to Aether Paradise but the others made a valid point about L increasing the security there for the time being. They'd just have to wait for another window, as frustrating as that was. Later that night, he found himself going out into the streets after dark. The way he understood it, skeletons of various creatures rose from the ground at night and Band seemed convinced that if they find the source of that they would also find the missing Linkle. Mewtwo wasn't really sure how he knew such a thing, but there was really no time or opportunity to question him about it. And so here Mewtwo was. Most of the skeletons didn't look at all familiar to him. But there were some that he did. The Pokemon skeletons even appeared to have the abilities they had in life, though Mewtwo wondered if they would all be considered Ghost types. If so that would mean a few good Shadow Balls would take care of them. And so while everyone else got to work immediately, Mewtwo waited a moment and charged up up one of his Shadow Balls. Then he used Teleport to position himself above where all the Skeletons were rising it and hurled down into them. After that he flew straight down to the ground in the midst of a host of Pokemon skeletons and used Psychic to blow them all away from him in all directions. That sort of became his strategy for this particular group. He'd teleport away, charge up a Shadow Ball, let it fly downward from above and then head down to blow everything away with a Psychic. He repeated this two or three times, but decided not to push his luck on the off-chance that these things were smart enough to adapt to an attack pattern. So from this point Mewtwo decided to focus on some of the bigger ones, namely one of Giants. For that Mewtwo would bait it into moving to strike him so that he could stun it with Disable. After that he could use Psychic to lift them up over groups of smaller skeletons and then drop them, letting gravity take care of the rest. And then something screamed by and buzzed him, nearly knocking Mewtwo out of the air. The Legendary Pokemon jerked his gaze in the direction of the flying thing that attacked him and glimpsed a figure he vaguely recognized. It was an... [url=https://preview.redd.it/m9csmrwq4oy21.png?auto=webp&s=bd0fb4597169e022aae6d066a0688e4884040ade]Aerodactyl[/url]? Or at least the skeleton of one. Maybe this was some kind of fossil that was resurrected along with the rest? Either way this particular Pokemon could be trouble. They were known for being among the fastest fliers in the Pokemon world. And for having Dark type moves like Bite and Crunch, either of which could cripple Mewtwo if they managed to connect with such an attack. Of course, only a knowledgeable Pokemon Trainer would really know to exploit such a tactic. A wild Pokemon like this was less likely to take advantage of Mewtwo's weaknesses as a Psychic type Pokemon. And Mewtwo was proven correct as the Aerodactyl came swooping back, not with a Bite or Crunch, but with a looping Aerial Ace attack. The attack itself was a Flying type move, one that was well known for its inability to miss. But thankfully Mewtwo wasn't a type of Pokemon weak to such a move, and so the actual damage he took wasn't too bad. But if the Aerodactyl decided to to use it repeatedly in addition to something like Agility to make itself even faster? That could be trouble. The Legendary Pokemon focused his attention on the Aerodactyl, trying his best not to let it out of his sight. When the fossil Pokemon attempted to make another run with Aerial Ace, Mewtwo was waiting for him this time. He thrust out his hand and managed to catch the flying fossil mid-attack with his Psychic. And then Mewtwo used his psychic grip to swing the big fossil Pokemon around himself and slamming it down into a crowd of Dry Bones on the ground. Between his own efforts and those of the others, some of the streets appeared to be mostly clear. But they weren't done yet. a pair of stronger looking undead made their presence known. Mewtwo wasted no time and used Teleport to regroup with Big Band. [Hider=Current Moves/PP Balance] Psychic: 5/10 Shadow Ball: 11/15 Disable: 19/20 Teleport: 15/20 Recover: 5/5 [/Hider]