[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xtBiPq8.png[/img] [color=FF8c00]RANK UP! Rank 7 13 / 70 EXP[/color] [b]Midgar - SOU Hideout[/b][/center] With the day so chock full of action and intrigue, Raz was ready to hit the hay, but there was a lot to go over first, least of all being dinner. Eating a lot in short notice was a skill you pick up when your family owns a circus, so Raz cobbled together a tall multi-layer sandwich out of coldcuts that he balanced over to the main meeting table or wherever they were going to be hashing stuff out. He picked away at his food while Goldlewis debriefed the rest on the debate, meaning there were several moments where Raz helped fill in the gaps with a full mouth, but luckily everything was settled without much left out. When the debrief was over Raz still had a decent double-decker sandwich to go, which he was about to finish off when everyone else started discussing what to do next. [color=FF8c00]"Well I don't assume I know how these Consul guys think,"[/color] Raz pitched in, sandwich halfway to his mouth, [color=FF8c00]"but I feel like they have [i]everything[/i] they don't have access to in their own world? This place is [i]every[/i] world after all. Back where I'm from we don't have anything like sentient robots, magic, or Pokémon,"[/color] he continued, gesturing to whoever in the room best fit the description. [color=FF8c00]"It's probably the same for Happy Chaos and all the rest. Something here they really, really want to keep. For all we know there's some, life-saving medicine for them, or they met their soulmate here."[/color] Look at his lunchmeat concoction, Raz put it back on his plate. [color=FF8c00]"Not that it excuses them helping Galeem or messing with everyone else."[/color] His appetite continued to shrink as Zenkichi and Geralt went over everything with Konoe. He drummed the table with his fingers. Raz didn't like the idea of manipulating Happy Chaos, or any of the other Consul, with whatever mental illnesses they had, but that felt like a discussion for a different time. The more pressing bit was one that Zenkichi asked him specifically. [color=FF8c00]"Oh, man,"[/color] Raz muttered, [color=FF8c00]"I probably shouldn't have said anything. It just felt relevant at the time."[/color] Feeling that all eyes were on him now, Raz couldn't [i]not[/i] elaborate. He produced his Psycho-Portal, holding it up for everyone to see. [color=FF8c00]"I don't think you were around when I mentioned it to everyone else, Detective, but me and my fellow Psychonauts have this device that lets his astral project into people's minds. It lets us travel their psyche and help with any mental issues they have. So, uhh, earlier, when you mentioned Konoe having a ton of guilt driving his actions, it sorta popped into my head that I [i]could[/i] be able to help him come to terms with it."[/color] Now sheepish, Raz set the portal down on the table. He glanced at Sakura, but didn't say anything about his excursion into her mind the other day. [color=FF8c00]"It's a real big responsibility though. It wouldn't be right for me to go into anyone's brain without them being okay with it. It's supposed to be a way to help people, not a tool to deal with a problem."[/color] With a nervous chuckle Raz returned to his sandwich, a little less enthusiastically than before. Midna brought up the Psych-OSF rebellion, which he was quick to jump on after. [color=FF8c00]"We need to go back to Psych-OSF! Even if we can't find the rebels or Supernatural Life, we can still get to the conspiracy Shinra has there. When I was reading his mind earlier he mentioned Zanotto, the Grand Head of the Psychonauts. I'm thinking that if we can get to him, we can get to the larger plot, and we can figure out [i]how[/i] they're turning people into Others, and try from there?"[/color] There was a little selfishness in the request, which hopefully nobody would pick up on. [color=FF8c00]"And me and Sakura have to report in anyways, I think. We're kinda part of their most important faction and all."[hr][center]663 Words +1 EXP[/center][/color]