[quote=@Aeolian] I love the idea of a person who can paint images to life, but this isn't that. lol I do love the creativity, but this is almost identical to the bubble color wheel power you ran by me in DMs earlier. So the same thing applies to this gift. It'll get a few nerfs because I intentionally don't want a character that can just do sooo many different things. Even as a utility or supportive gift, balance is important. From this powerset specifically, I'd probably only allow up to three. But essentially, in its current iteration, this is Forcefields, Teleporting, Containment Fields, Clairvoyance, Zero Friction thingy, and literally erasing things from existence. This is all a bit much for one character to have in a story where characters whose capabilities should be more limited or niche. So yeah, all that to say, this character would need some nerfs before it could get approved. But I do love that your inspired creatively! :) [/quote] I tried to nerf him a good bit from that iteration (slower and more involved use, shorter duration, reagents), but imagined this could end up being the case. At the end of the day, I know it's more a matter of too much versatility and variety. No worries. That's why I have Melle. Maybe I'll save his essential idea for something else down the line.