Let me be clear about this subject. Not today, on the next day. But, some day I will take my own life. Now, some day my health will start to fail me. It can be that I am in pain all the time. It could be that my mind is starting to go. Or, I am just tired of you and everyone. Now I am an agnostic, so I do not think of a afterlife. Now if there was an afterlife and I did go to heaven -- I would be begging for suicide. Think about it this way. Say I have cancer or some other illness that is going to kill me in say months. If I decide to end my life, you say it is weakness and you would say you will do whatever you need to do to keep me alive. If I told you the cost is $500,000 dollars or more to keep me alive. Is it not strange, society will spend so much money to keep me and others alive when death is so close to the end. On the other hand, if your going to college and you have over $100,000 in student loans. Society says to bad, just pay it back with interest. And with that student loan, you have a hard time to get a loan for house. Or, a loan to start a business. And if you do have a home, its hard to sell it to someone with a student loan they have to pay back. So, more people with student loans after college, the value of your house stays more flat because they have to pay a home loan and a student loan. Is it not strange, if you go to college and have a student loan your long term net worth is cut by thousands of dollars over a lifetime. But, if your a old person near the end of your life. and have less then a high school education, society will be so glad to spend whatever it can to keep you alive. Even spend more then a four year college education. Now think of yourself with an identical twin at the age of 17. One twin has cancer and society will spend $500,000 or more knowing society will never get it back after the twin dies of cancer. The other twin, could go to college but if loaded with student loans, and the twins lifetime net worth is cut by thousands of dollars. And over a lifetime, could have paid back society in taxes. Nope, if I have cancer and I know I am going to die -- I would accept suicide. In my hope, the cost to keep me alive could go to someone else with a grant to go to college. My life is over with, and just pushing on is being selfish. I would wish someone that is planing to go to college, can go to college for free. They life a long life and they produce something that is positive. For me, my suicide, is a good death.