[quote=@webboysurf] Well, I don't think Aaron would know or remember Jess in any way, so I don't know if our characters would have any history or prior connections/interactions. Don't imagine Jess would like Aaron very much. I think the same goes with Hera, though I imagine both would probably know the name.[/quote] Yeah, it's kind of what I mentioned to Gowi. Every other character seems to be from the popular/cool/important school cliques (jocks, head cheerleader, class valedictorian, etc.), and then there's just Jess--pretty much a literal nobody. Personally, I don't really expect her to have any strong history with much of the group, but I figured to pose the question just to get it out there. Her connections are probably like, "rode the bus with so-and-so", had biology with this person", etc. :lol