[@Catharyn] [i] [color=00aeef] [h1] [center]Kolvar Stilmyst [/center][/h1][/color][/i] Kovalr thought for a moment about Zey’s questions. He would like to know what it would feel like to experience what humans do in their daily lives. But he knew he would not do anything nefarious while disguised as a human. The only issue would be having to convince Zey that he didn’t want to infiltrate and cause chaos among them. “[color=00aeef][i]I understand your concern captain Zey, but I assure you my intentions are not sinister. I only want to study your people’s anatomy.[/i][/color]” He could tell that Zey was quite tense when he requested to study the human body, so he would have chosen his words carefully. “[color=00aeef][i]I can but it would take some time for me to fully copy the form of a human.[/i][/color]” He would need to work quickly because he would not get a chance to study them properly if the bodies are ash. “[color=00aeef][i]Very well I agree to these terms. I promise you that I mean no ill will by studying your people’s anatomy Unfortunately I cannot study the anatomy of a deceased subject, it would be more efficient if the subject was alive. Would it be okay if I studied one of your living crewmembers?.[/i][/color]” Kolvar placed a clawed hand on his chest replicating similar gestures humans would make. Kolvar felt annoyed he was having so much trouble trying to convince them to let him study their anatomy. Again he wasn’t going to do anything nefarious with his findings. But he understood that they would need to be careful of interlopers. He wanted to write a book about their history, culture, and anatomy. Although with everything going on, he would need to put that on hold. Kolvar tapped his claws together in a melodic manner. The thought came to him of the possibility of disguising himself as one of Sibermine’s men and infiltrating his camp. But really that would only make things more difficult for the humans to escape.