[center][abbr=Pit][img]https://i.ibb.co/7VzgY22/pit.png[/img][/abbr] Word Count: 1012 (+2 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]4[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 158/40 [b]Location[/b]: Dystopiascape - Midgar[/center] After the debate broadcast cut out the Seekers in Penguin Sniper made their way to the venue to meet up with the other half of their team. Pit was glad to see everyone present and accounted for. Since no one looked hurt, he assumed a fight didn't end up breaking out. With Goldlewis making the decision to get somewhere safer before going over what happened, the angel hustled through Midna's twilight portal along with the others. Once through, Pit flitted around the space given it was the first time he was seeing their new hideout. He had no qualms with raiding the cupboards with some of the other Seekers, not quite sated by the bar peanuts. Though when Goldlewis and Raz started to explain what had gone down at the end of the debate and afterwards, Pit gave them his full attention. So much information, so quickly! Since coming to the city, Pit felt his brain was working harder than it ever had in his life. What jumped out at him was the fact that they had a Consul's identity, and possible motive - and that Midgar's entire situation was precarious to say the least. Everything controlled by one maniac, under the president's nose. That Goldlewis knew the Consul, Happy Chaos, on a deeper level than the rest of them surprised Pit. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"He's that strong?"[/color] he asked, though he didn't sound disturbed by the revelation whatsoever. Instead, Geralt's follow-up made the angel shrink away slightly. Over the last couple days Pit had worked to get over what he'd accidentally done to the Witcher, especially since he wasn't actually dead, but he still felt awkward about it. And the reminder he could have torn apart a family wasn't a nice one. Giovanna then returned, with a stranger in tow. Another one of Midgar's elites? When the man introduced himself, Pit jumped back into the conversation by returning the introduction with one of his own, complete with his full rank [i]Captain of the Goddess of Light's Royal Bodyguard.[/i] As they continued to discuss Happy Chaos and the Consuls as a whole (and the Organization, of which Pit didn't have a clue so he stayed quiet for once), the angel chimed in here or there with his agreements or disagreements. And of course the area's Guardian was brought up, which was one of the reasons they were even in the city to begin with. It was here. And now, they knew how to get to it. When Roxas revealed the Keyblade's ability, Pit's face split into a grin. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"That's great! Then we won't have to try and get through any weird codes or keys or anything like that! We can get to the Guardian whenever we're ready."[/color] That they'd certainly have to fend off enemies on the way went without saying. Still, basically forcing their way through was a plan that Pit could definitely get behind. As for [i]when[/i] to actually do so... well. Pit glanced at Karin when she declared that it was their top priority. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"At first I was thinking the same thing. That all we had to do was beat the Guardian and things would be fine."[/color] He turned his eyes from Karin to the group at large. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"But now I'm worried about what will happen to the city if we do that without doing anything about the Ever Crisis. If everyone in Midgar is suddenly free, then won't the whole city go into a panic? And if that happens, what about when the Others or Chimeras attack? All the defense forces will be just as confused and disorganized, right?"[/color] The Seekers had been able to handle one half of a machine invasion, and they'd battled against the extra-dimensional monsters before, but they couldn't be everywhere at once. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Maybe we should stop that Konoe guy first, and... ugh, I don't know."[/color] He shared this opinion with Midna, but he didn't have a good answer. Giovanna mentioned the best person to lead the city wasn't up to it anymore. Working together with either Armstrong or Shinra just seemed wrong. Then again, they had Benedict, Zenkichi, and now Roland on their side. Maybe there were good people in the administration they could free and get to help? Pit folded his arms in front of him, annoyed that he couldn't pull the answer from thin air. Or from an all-knowing goddess. During a lull in the discussion a thought slowly formed in Pit's mind. It wasn't grounded in any evidence, and it was more than a little hopeful, but eventually he gave voice to it. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I don't know why they'd help Galeem, but they do choose to do it, right? That Happy Chaos guy wasn't under the light's control was he? Do you think the Consuls are so strong that they were never gleaming in the first place?"[/color] He paused. No, that couldn't be right. He was [i]there[/i] when Galeem took over. When it subsumed everything. Not even the Goddess of Light escaped... He tried again. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Or maybe they were able to break out of the mind control on their own?"[/color] This was something he hoped might be the case. It meant a lot of very powerful villains might be out there right now, plotting their own take overs, but it also meant that Lady Palutena might have been able to free herself and she just hadn't been able to re-establish her telepathic connection. Regardless of what anyone else thought on the matter, Pit let the thought sink in for them. Toward the end of the discussion the Seekers began filtering out. Some, like Tora, had left much earlier. As they disappeared, Pit bid them a, [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Good night!"[/color] He himself lingered in the room, unsure of what to do with himself. He didn't feel up for a spar like the street fighters, but he was too antsy to go right to bed. So for the next couple of hours he familiarized himself with the building inside and out, perching on its roof and serving as lookout until he got tired enough to turn into bed himself.