[center][img]https://pa1.narvii.com/8026/496ec3b508ae1432b9b2a11f9e4f457f1d186c1cr1-1126-1125_00.gif[/img] [b][color=376877]Wordage:[/color][/b] [i]533 words (+1 points)[/i] [b][color=376877]Experience:[/color][/b] [i]13/20 EXP[/i] [b][color=376877]Location:[/color][/b] [i](The Under) Pizza Tower[/i] [/center] A guffaw elicited from the knights mouth, taking up arms without so much a moments hesitation with his monumentally sized blade "[color=376877]Thou hast nary a moment where thy tongue is held.[/color]" Artorias mumbled, shaking his head as he stood shoulder to shoulder-or rather hip to shoulder with Nadia. "[color=376877]Admirable as it mayhaps be,[/color]" the knight stepped before the feral slamming his fist into an oncoming Fridgebot causing it to explode on impact head on, seemingly unaffected by the explosion without so much as a flinch he made a bored [i]'Hmph'[/i] and tilted his head back to the cat-woman giving Nadia a sideways glance "[color=376877]And forgive the pun, but do keep the cat in thy bag.[/color]" maybe she had begun to rub off on him, as he flashed her a toothy wolfish grin or maybe the spirit that was now apart of him filled him with a new sense of vigor and bravado? Either way he, eager to throw himself into the fray leapt into a somersault performing a wide midair slash slamming his blade down upon the ancient stones atop the tower cracking the ground and decimating a group of fork wielding cheese knights in the blink of an eye, some Peppibots raced towards him attempting a head on rush each met with the brutal edge of his sword. These were nothing but grunts, easily felled by his strength and tenacity alone. Slimes of cheese and bat's swarmed him, he tried to swing his blade to drive the pesky fliers back to no avail. Bellowing in protest, Artorias leapt backwards shaking the slimes from his plate mail. They only served to annoy him like insects buzzing around one's head. He grew tired as the battle wore on, of slicing down Piglin. After he rammed with full force into a stone faced being, shattering it into pieces he stood in the dust heaving. He wanted more, he wanted a challenge. Not these pathetic minions, not these enemies who only stood little chance of defeating him. And as he let his blade clatter to the ground, his eyes fixated upon one thing and one thing only. There was no greater rush than in that moment, the rush of the air in his ears, the [i]thump, thump, thump[/i] of his heart as adrenaline pumped throughout his body and the thrill of the battle culminating there and then. This entire moment became a pinpoint in his vision as he put his all into driving a haymaker into the almost cartoonishly evil face of the laughing pizza pie. Slamming with his entire weight behind the force of the punch with all his strength brought to bare. But he didn't stop, becoming frenzied almost as he started landing punch after punch into Pizza Face's…well face. His strikes doing more damage and getting a considerable number hits in a flurry of expert blows with his oversized gauntlets both thanks to his impressive tenacity and newfound expertise in hand-to-hand combat before is full weight also carried him down. Landing upon the ground he had only a second to catch his breath before he found himself in the fray once again with lesser foes, those which whom got within striking distance were batted away or slammed by a crushing blow from the knight. He had done quite a bit of damage to Pizza Face but to Artorias' annoyance the villainous cur hid behind a wall of minions. Artorias growled and howled at the laughing Pizza Face "[color=376877]Face me you craven whelp! Or arte thou nothing but a weak pathetic coward?[/color]" he spat his words at Pizza Face, baring his glowing blue canines aggressively.