I have returned with a cs! Hopefully he meets the muster of an approvable character. [hider=Walter Ozwyrd] [center] [img]https://images2.imgbox.com/56/6a/QCgpK1Od_o.png[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_gkpYORQLU]♫[/url] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]A p p e a r a n c e[/color] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=A9A8AF][i]Rather short and kinda scrawny this kid's got little to show beneath his fancy jackets and neat medallions. That's not to say he's ugly but most wouldn't call him conventionally attractive. Just like his personality eccentricity and business run hand-in-hand. He dressed with faux glitz, his jewelry and trinkets being imitations of the genuine articles. His dress suit's not even a name brand, just another piece that's made for look better than it really is. When he's secluded he tends to dress more practically, work shirts with chemical stains and slacks making up his more casual ware. Much like himself when out and about his outer appearance is mostly a put-on but beneath the fake shell is something much less ostentatious.[/i][/color] [/center] [center][color=pink] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2][i]"Why stop at turning water into wine?"[/i][/color] [color=734e66]◈[/color][/color][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Yei38yJ.png[/img][/center] [color=A9A8AF] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]N a m e[/color] [i]Walter Ozwyrd.[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]S p e l l c a s t e r N a m e[/color] [i]Alchemist.[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]A g e, H e i g h t, a n d W e i g h t[/color] [i]13, 125 cm, 42 kg.[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]R a c e[/color] [i]Mystic.[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]G e n d e r[/color] [i]Guy[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]S e x u a l O r i e n t a t i o n[/color] [i]Asexual[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]Y e a r[/color] [i]1st.[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]P e t[/color] [i]None[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]H o u s e[/color] [i]House of Harold[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]I l l u m i n a i r e[/color] [i]Nah.[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]C l a s s e s[/color] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]Gifts.[/color] [color=734e66]◈[/color] Sustained Flight. [color=734e66]◈[/color] Swimming. [color=734e66]◈[/color] Herbology. [color=734e66]◈[/color] Arithmetic and Mathematics. [color=734e66]◈[/color] N/A. [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]A r e Y o u O n Y o u r H o u s e ' s W a a g a T e a m?[/color] [i]Nah.[/i] [/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Yei38yJ.png[/img] [center][color=pink] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2][i]"The only bonding I care about is chemical."[/i][/color] [color=734e66]◈[/color][/color][/center] [/center] [color=A9A8AF][center] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]P e r s o n a l i t y[/color] [color=A9A8AF]Avaricious[color=734e66]◈[/color]Inventive[color=734e66]◈[/color]Opportunistic[color=734e66]◈[/color]Cunning[color=734e66]◈[/color]Aimless[/color] [i]Is Walter really the greedy plotter that he comes off as? Does the fact he always looks for any opportunity to get rich quick make him a worse person as a result? Has his efforts to put business and scheming before stuff like morals or bonds with his fellow humans made him a disingenuous husk wrought of hollow words and empty feelings? Perhaps. Perhaps not. He knows what he wants but perhaps he really doesn't. The allure of wealth and elevation of his station is born in part from his humble origins and the distance he has made between himself and his father. He lived a poor life but when you have magic powers, even ones as innocuous as his, who has the right to tell him he can't be who he wants to be? Which comes right back around to the question: [color=lime]"Who do I want to be?"[/color] It's a question he's asked himself often. He desires wealth but aside from investing in ways to make even more money he has no genuine idea what he'd make of it. He makes everything he works on impersonal, claiming it's just business, but he's actually quite passionate about his work. He likes to invent and experiment, coaxing his interests under the guise of being ploys to better serve himself instead of helping others. He gets more joy out of sharing his interests with others than he does simply turning a profit. Can Walter ever open up to others and form meaningful relations outside of purely business arrangements? Is he perhaps misunderstood in his desires to put himself further from the destitution that once defined his life not so long ago? Shall he ever find a calling which truly speaks to him? A reason to his very existence? It's the same question as it's always been. [color=lime]"Who do I want to be?"[/color][/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]H i s t o r y[/color] [i]Walter and his brother Hector were born to a humble family of Endless Ocean fishermen. Their funds weren't flush but they could afford to live, even if both of their parents had to work to keep the household afloat, both metaphorically and literally speaking. These peaceful times came to an end however when his mother was bitten in two by a sea dragon. This event was hard for the young brothers. Walter took this event hard, perhaps harder than even his brother. Something about watching her remains get sealed into the seaglass coffin and cast down into the depths stuck to him like a damp blanket of malaise. It changed him in a way which was never truly clear. Only one thing was clear: It was a Mere de Reves he'd never forget. Their family struggled long as their father was forced to pick up the work that their mother's absence left for him. While their father was absent nearly all hours of the day they both took up the chores and upkeep of the house. It was here Walter got his experience in cooking, preparing meals for the whole family for several long years. It was not too long ago that his powers started to manifest. As per the mandate this meant he was required to leave home to go to Harold's Academy For The Magically Inclined. This was no issue for Walter as he saw this as the perfect chance to escape the poverty trap that was his home and make his fortune abroad. With a hearty wave he departed, never turning back as he cast off to live his new life and make a new start for himself.[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]R e p u t a t i o n[/color] [i]If there were ever the sort of guy you'd see scalping tickets just outside the school theater that'd be him in a nutshell. Despite his rather dedicated efforts towards studying he rarely gets along with the teacher staff due to his crooked moral compass. Much more than that isn't really set in stone as he is in his first year. Plenty of time to make impressions, for better or for worse.[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]G o a l s[/color] [i]So far his only stated goal is to amass wealth until he no longer has to work a day in his life. He's not spared much thought beyond that.[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]R e l a t i o n s[/color] [i]Zardo Ozwyrd - Father Walter's relationship has suffered a fair amount of strain from the years of separation as result of their impoverishment. What little time they spend together is rarely cherished as stress tugs at every member of their household. Be it mechanically eating before slumping off to bed or offering the stray nod or grunt of acknowledgement when passing the days where he had the energy to openly display affection towards his sons had faded. Hector Ozwyrd - Brother Before their mother died they were a pretty solid team, rarely ever seen too far apart. After she died however a rift formed between them. While Hector had taken the more stoic route, opting to stick it through and make it work Walter could never sympathize. They did their work yes but Hector took to it with a sense of duty while Walter only worked to help ensure they could keep living day to day. Neither of them enjoyed it but Hector would shoulder the burden as the proverbial Atlas of their household. It was because of this that when Walter took to leaving home with such aplomb that what could be considered an argument broke out between them, a very rare situation given Hector's demeanor. They've yet to mend this gulf that's grown between them.[/i] [/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Yei38yJ.png[/img][/center][center][color=pink] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2][i]"Care for a drink?"[/i][/color] [color=734e66]◈[/color][/color][/center] [center] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]M y s t i c C l a s s i f i c a t i o n[/color] [i]Elementalist[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]G i f t[/color] [i]Fluid Transmutation[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]M y s t i c C o d e[/color] [i]Walter's power is the ability to transform any liquid he sees into any other liquid known to him. The moment his eyesight makes contact with water he can freely transform it into any other liquid that he'd seen directly. From water to acid to molten iron if he's seen something in a liquid state then it becomes a part of his repertoire, allowing him to bestow all of it's features onto any liquid of his choice within sight. The only limit to how long or how many liquids he can store is his memory. If he's seen a liquid and is able to remember it then he can consciously turn other liquids into it with a mere thought.[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]L i m i t a t i o n s a n d W e a k n e s s e s[/color] The first limitation to this power is that he can only transform liquids he has direct line of sight of. If he cannot see a liquid then he cannot alter it, such as the blood in human bodies. He cannot alter liquids by looking at an artificial image or facsimile of it either. The liquid he is changing must be physically within his sight. The second limitation to this power is that much like how he can only alter liquids that are directly in his sight he can only memorize the liquids he has seen directly. If he hears about or sees a picture of a liquid he's never encountered then he would not be able to turn other liquids into it until he's seen the genuine substance directly. The third limitation is the relationship between volume and vitesse. While his power offers a substantially high rate of exchange for the amount of vitesse he expends simply due to how specialized it's effect is it is not limitless and can exhaust him if he transmutes too much liquid before he's able to recover. This is not easy as he's quite capable of exchanging a large lakes worth of fluid with another before he's too exhausted to continue. While fairly substantial there's no chance of him converting the whole Endless Ocean into oil or whatever else strikes his fancy. As for his gift's weakness in large part it's a niche effect which requires imagination to really deploy effectively. It's offensive potential is hampered by his lack of ability to control the movement of liquids directly, instead requiring tools in order to convey liquids in various manners. This gift's utility is where it ultimately shines, allowing great flexibility while still requiring preparation and clever planning to utilize effectively either defensively or offensively. Addendum: The process for transmutation preserves mass but not necessarily volume. A liquid that is light when transmuted into a liquid that is denser will lose volume as it's overall mass is condensed. In addition while the rate of transmutation is quick this process can be either sped up or slowed down to modify the rate of vitesse he expends. He can conserve vitesse by slowing down the rate of transmutation or expend more vitesse to accelerate it even faster. While this rarely plays a factor in regards to smaller bodies of liquid when it comes to larger masses conservation of vitesse starts playing a larger role. [/center][/color] [/hider]