The gags are conceptual. Think about it! Foxpearl is currently trapped and unable to speak, albeit on the level of raw incorporeal energy. If her self conception didn't involve her being gagged and bound then she'd spend every second fighting against her instincts to move and suffering the virtual reality nausea of having no reaction between her will and her motions. The chains are an illustration of how helpless she is - just like how they'd still be necessary if she was in the claws of someone capable of physically overpowering her without them. S-so that was why this was helpful, it was like knowing in advance which actions were pointless, so plans could be better directed. Concept: [b]Being bound is the best way to focus attention.[/b] Unfortunately there was only one plan that presented itself: Be rescued. And that was [i]awkward[/i]. She [i]should [/i]always act with perfect skill without revealing weakness, a celestial idea that had been really easy to meditate on before she was tied to a wall and used to power an evil flamethrower. But if she wanted to be rescued then she needed to use what little leverage she had to not only make an awkward, ungainly thrashing wreck of herself but she needed to do so specifically so that the Vermillion Princess would see her and come for her. The Princess was so cool, if she knew that she was in trouble her eyes would do that really cool narrowing thing, and her lips would purse and all the awkwardness would fall away and then she'd be... like, a real hero. And save her. Humiliatingly. [Reject the influence of a lesson: 9. Clearing [b]Hopeless [/b]by acting to prove it wrong] She'd... she'd get her back for this! This was the thought in Foxpearl's head as she started to mmph!! as loudly as she could through her gag, as she started to bang her chains as loudly as she could, as she started to pathetically plead and whine from the inside of the sealed tank. Just see if she didn't! Sooner or later the Princess would get captured and bound and humiliated and then she'd be there, running a finger under her chin and whispering 'how cute' and it would be so devastating that she'd forget that this ever happened! Just see if she wouldn't!!