[center][abbr=Ace Cadet][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190924/544c85ab5c75bc61a4bb5ce40dc0caa6.png[/img][/abbr] [color=salmon]Word Count: 823 (+2 exp)[/color] [color=salmon][u]Level[/u]: [b]9[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 224/90 [b]Location:[/b] Edinburgh MagicaPolis[/color][/center] By the time the Seekers in Edinburgh reconvened on the first floor of the restaurant, the Ace Cadet was ready to go. More than ready, if he could be so bold to say. His equipment was in top condition, sharpened to perfection. His stash of items was topped up too - and though he would have liked to make a few demondrugs or armorskins, or even better their powdered counterparts, he focused on what he had with the limited amount of time and ingredients available. They'd be enough, he was sure. Big Band's pun certainly worked on the Cadet, who's optimistic expression brightened even further. And with everyone reporting on their preparations, he didn't hesitate to inform them of his own. [color=salmon]"Got plenty of potions and lifepowders to go around if anyone needs 'em. Plus some antidotes, and if I get some breathing room I can make some earplugs or a cleanser for status conditions too."[/color] Actually now that he thought about it, would the latter have helped against the Consul? ...oh well, no use thinking about what could have happened. When things calmed down a little, maybe he'd look into getting a lot more support items. Figuring out how to format bowgun ammo for sure in the smaller gun he had would help too, as long as his comrades wouldn't be weirded out by being shot by recovery bullets. As prepared as he could be, the Cadet met his fist with an open palm and flexed his ship rigging. He grinned at the assembled party as they moved out to tackle what the night had in store for them. [color=salmon]"Alright! We'll break some bones tonight, rescue Linkle, and by to-marrow plan our next move!"[/color] For those unfamiliar with how quickly the skullgirl's power could grow, the sudden increase in undead must have come as a surprise. Just last night the Cadet had to really search to find large groups of skeletons in hopes of being led back to Linkle. Now, it was like they were everywhere. He hoped that meant his friend would be easier to find. He jumped right into combat beside his fellow Seekers wielding the trusty Master Bang. Its versatility would help if he needed to pivot from attacking to defending or supporting, and its shield was the only melee blunt damage option he had. Since the skeletons had no flesh to slice or pierce, it only made sense to bash them. If only the Cadet could get his hands on a [i]properly[/i] sized hammer, then he could wreck some real havoc. As it was, he was doing well with just the sword and shield. Not surprisingly he gave the city's magic users a wide berth and tackled the largest undead in the area. He found it weird how strong the skeletons could be when they literally didn't have any muscles, but even so the hunter was stronger. While his shield did most of the work, his sword saw its share of the battle as well. The broad side of the shield cracked through the bony armor of beasts and giants, and the blade severed vulnerable limbs at the joints after enough damage was piled on. The curves and spikes of his equipment could catch any weapon headed his way before it hit, and the Ace Cadet's sheer power was enough to pulverize the weakest skeletons with one good bash of the Master Bang. Between his ice-resistant armor and fire-resistant shield, plus Albedo's geo crystal induced protection, the elemental-clad skeletons posed little threat to him either. He'd demolished every undead that had gotten in his way so far. When the number of them increased, he mostly relied on the others to handle crowd control - but he had a few tricks of his own for that when the Seekers ended up more spread out. The anchor and chain swung to crash into groups of smaller skeletons, and Round Force to keep the larger ones away for long enough until he could land a decent shield smash. As the group fought further and further into the horde, the really dangerous looking skeletons started to appear. While the jetpack skeleton looked like it could be trouble, the darkbeast demanded more of the monster hunter's attention. [color=salmon]"First ribs on the big one,"[/color] he said, retracting the anchor back into its claw shape on his arm. He waited just long enough for everyone to regroup before he moved to engage. The best way to get a read on it was by fighting it of course, so he went in with a Sword Dance to see how it would defend itself. The sword flashed toward its legs. The Cadet could meet a counter-attack with a parry, catch up to it with his hunter art if it moved, and if it had control of that lightning that jumped up and down its body... well, he'd just have to figure that out if it came down to it.