Location Havershel Estate [hr] [@Click This][@AzureKnight] “Paulina. A pleasure.” Cassandre replied, curtsying towards the presumed noblewoman. “You as well, Miss Lulu. I take it you’re a maid from the Maison?” “Indeed, she is one of my brightest and best new recruits.” “If I may, your holiness, something about this woman doesn’t sit right with me.” “Madeline, you know who Miss Fiore is. A scholar and wizard that helps us hunt those that would use such powers for evil.” Cassandre frowned towards her escort. “That she is…shall we say, makes those of holy power somewhat uneasy is only natural.” A sharp look towards Livia. “I mean no disrespect, of course.” “Mhm, truth is truth, no matter what one believes. I would not assume disrespect for stating such.” Livia replied. “I take it then…you are somewhat aware of what is going on here, then?” “Perhaps. Can we have a moment to speak privately?” “Asking me to leave my quite beautiful date for a private rendezvous with a clergywoman? Is that something the church looks kindly upon?” “How dare you insinu-” “Madeline.” Cassandre interrupted, quickly silencing the escort. “Yes, in certain times it would.” “As much as the idea of having a clergywoman privately to myself is, I must decline. The public knows of our relationship with the church to be sure, but we wouldn’t want to cause any misunderstandings.” “I see.” “So in that vein, I bid you adieu for the moment. I will be meeting with the Lord of the estate soon enough. Paulina, I’ll be by the food tables. Feel free to join me if you wish. Lucrecia, stay with her just in case.” Livia was likely going to speak to the nobles hanging around the refreshment tables as well as perhaps see if she could learn anything from the servants. Lucrecia and Polina could do the same, if they wished, or head off somewhere else in the exhibition hall for a few moments. The festivities would likely be starting soon. “Perhaps, you’d like to stay and speak instead, Lady Lafayette?” Cassandre questioned. “If I may also be so bold as to ask your opinion on the Lady of the Maison?” [hr] [@VitaVitaAR][@Pyromania99] “Well, would [i]you[/i] keep super secret important documents in some place as expected as a private study?” Lyssa questioned. “Super bad ya know that feels like your asking to get your secrets exposed.” The pink haired maid giggled. “A-h hey Eliz wait up!” Before Katherine or Lyssa could react, Eliz was off after the boy. Being as terrible at being sneaky as he was, he wasn’t that hard to keep track of as he’d attempt hiding behind a vase stand as Eliza approached. “Wah!” The boy in question was quite well dressed. Long blond hair, dressed in a fancy vest and long sleeves. While he couldn’t be older than seven or eight. “W-what sort of maid sneaks up on someone like that! Hmph, I should have you clean the stables as punishment!” The boy shouted in response. “I don’t know what you mean by a ‘boy’ like me, brat, but calling me a rat is a good way to get fired and never working as a maid again, you stupid looking art sculpture reject.” “Ahaha, don’t mind her!” Lyssa walked up, preemptively grabbing Eliz by the shoulder and gripping the demon's shoulder surprisingly hard. “Hey what were you doing sneaky sneaking around. Looks like fun.” “F-fun…?” The boy seemed caught off guard by this whole situation.