[center][h1][b][color=gold]Lillianna[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [quote=Clarissa the Curious]"Interesting."[/quote] Lillianna wouldn't admit it openly, but as small weight felt as if it had come off of her back simply to be taken seriously in this exchange of information. Not that she'd had the chance to tell the others about all of those particular details either, though, as they hadn't had the time. There had been far more pressing matters at the time, with her mostly having an opening to give a warning as theyy were hurriedly trying to delvier the cube to Valheim and all of that. Then came the Mazy Hillocks. Seeing the dead. Getting jumped by angry wolves. Impalement by a cyborg water ninja. Self-electrocution. Nearly dying. Sitting in limbo, for all she knew, as she apparently slept-talk and got carried into Valheim for care. Setting a room on fire and nearly electrocuting two poor staff as she panicked while waking up. All of those events and occurences before she'd met back again with the remainder of the party, really, had taken precedence over talking about two little things regarding the cube and her experiences with it. Well, at least that was her perspective on it all. She had no idea what the other group members around her would be thinking in this case. [quote=Clarissa]"Second Chance. You've kept your word in delivering this to us. I'll be sure to keep everything you've told me, firmly in mind while we investigate this cube. I'm sure you've got better places to be. And I'll be quite busy tonight, myself, now. The Academy is open to you during daylight hours, but I'm afraid those hours have passed today, so if you don't mind taking your leave, that would be lovely." "Oh, and thank you. I don't want to jinx anything, but this might be big for The Free Peoples of The Empire. And if nothing else, it will be a bit of fun for me."[/quote] Alright! Cube delivered, explanation given, it was time to get out of there and away from the drama of the past day or so. Relax, take some time to think, anything to get away from that. The mage personally felt as if a fancy meal or soaking spa visit could do her wonders, though she had no idea how much money she had. Wait. The group had been given money, yes? But they had to pay for-...ah. Her medical care. Well, if her portion had been used for that she wouldn't blame them. Was only fitting she pay for her own medical care after the stunt she had pulled back there...unless they were going by American prices here, in which case she would likely need to thnk about selling a kidney and doing odd-jobs foor the next decade plus to pay it off beyond that. Ugh... [quote=Mac Mac, Come Back!][color=pink]"I forgot to ask..."[/color] she stopped a dozen steps outside the office, then half-turned back, before hesitating. Then she simply said to her friends, [color=pink]"There is no need to wait for me. I will find you at the hotel."[/color][/quote] Eh? Wait, she was just going to be doing something else and letting them 'go on ahead'? Really? And there was a hotel around here?! She was seriously behind on the 'understanding the local area' bit compared to the others, even if reasonably so, but she wouldn't lie if she didn't say she wasn't both curious about what MacKensie wanted to ask and likewise a little reluctant to split off more members of the group to just 'go on ahead' in this instance. Not after all of that nonsense and near-death and heaven-knows what the others had witnessed back there, and what remained of the group had waited on her back at the hospital she'd nearly set on fire. It would just make her...well...worry, especially while she was still trying to come down from what little remained that admitteddly draining emotional high she'd been on when hug-crying into the Frenchwoman and such. In that vein, the mage paused again and quickly held up a hand in a quiet 'please wait just a second' gesture to Fenna before jotting off after MacKensie toward Clarissa's office. She had no idea if the other woman would wait, but if Fenna left then the mage wouldn't judge her really. All of this stuff through now had been exhausting enough. [color=gold]"MacKensie! Certainly we will not just leave you here, not after-"[/color] She would, however, not seemd to catch her teammate's attention. Nor would she get there in time to hear everything MacKensie had asked, seeing the other woman having opened and slipped into the office once more. Yet as she came up to the door and nearly moved to open it, the mage would suddenly freeze in place and go silent as she heard the last few words MacKensie spoke to the other woman through the door crack. Not that it was very loud. [quote=MacKensie][color=pink]"I'm sorry, I have so many questions. We are so very new to this world."[/color][/quote] She would pause once more...and then after some seconds of visible thought put her ear gently to the door as she tried to listen further. The mage was certainly a bit curious, really, what the other woman had asked. Not that she was trying to be too, er, 'invasive' really. If it seemed personal she'd pull back and silently walk off to Fenna again, didn't want to get that intrusive into someone else's life like this, but if it was some good general information then perhaps it warranted a listen in her mind. Certainly as Clarissa spoke again she heard the information, and tactical information as well as mention of something called the 'Voidling Princes of the Oblivion Plane' certainly caught her attention. Extraplanar beings, perhaps? Most likely. Though the situation of the nation they had been tossed into was certianly not a good thing either. To her mind, MacKensie had asked some reasonably informative questions most likely! Not that she couldn't do so, but such a thing hadn't been on her own mind after everything either. Or pehaps on anyone else's minds, for all she knew. So it was a good 'save' for them in that sense, really, addressing the general situation as soon as they could learn about it. And yet the last bit of the other mage's response would stop the mage's train of thought in place once more. [quote=The Curious Clarissa Being Certainly Quite Curiouser]"What do you mean; you're 'new to this world?' Where are you from?"[/quote] ...Oh. Yes, people being pulled in from another world was not something she assumed happened normally at all. As for whom they should tell about it, however, that was certianly another matter altogether. If they told the wrong people, even in this nation, perhaps they might be detained or locked up for information or whatever else the worst case could be. Or simply look like lunatics, perhaps, as another alternative. On the other hand, being truthful was one good way to open up genuine channels about the matter with others given their lack of local knowledge....or it could play into the hands of other internal politics or something potentially. Yes she could be being a tad too negative about things, pessimistic actually being a better term she supposed, but even if the party had won her over enough the rest of the world hadn't. Not everyone was the same, or the most trustworthy, even if Lillianna herself gave some admitted credit to Clarissa for actually listening to her and the others. Hmm. Opening the door, and pretending and acting as if she'd just opened it and hadn't heard a thing, Lillianna would pop her head into the door and give a small 'grunt' to let the two know she was present there. She would then try to play out her act proper as she looked at the two women, trying to seem lightly surprised before giving an apologetic look to Clarissa before looking at MacKensie in particular. [color=gold]"Ah...ahem. Apologies, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be waiting for you just outside the front entrance. I still need to check with Fenna, however, about if she wishes to take up your offer to go ahead in the meantime."[/color] Smooth. Believeable? She had no idea. Awkward? Well, it certianly felt like such on her part in the genuine sense and would hopefully help her little act there in being convincing.