Imperative: [b]Behave as normally as possible.[/b] To behave in any other way upon being asspunched out of hellfire armour into a meet cute anime waifu toss would betray a shocking lack of conviction. To cringe is to experience death, instead one must maintain raw Authenticity at all times. Not react, not attack, not retract. "Mhye," said Foxpearl through the gag, brushing a lock of hair out of her eyes in a super cool and casual way. "Yhh dhn hky?" Melting down over one little flash of tongue and one little first-hug-ever-sort-of would distract from more important concepts. Such as the discourse implicit in the heelies; a genuine power that allowed for alien movement patterns, to alternate between frictionless and friction. A modern antithesis to the Sash, a belief in the powers of plastic refinery and popular culture to stand in noble contrast to the ancient. A modern statement that implied a freedom from being wrapped too tightly in the bonds of the past, even if a comparatively less practiced modern technology resulted in occasionally unstable wobbles. She loved the heelies, actually. Concept: [b]I want to steal her shoes.[/b] [Accepting label shift] "Mmh mlkk mhrr mhouus," she observed in an extremely cool and playful way. One might expect from the situation that she should be shy about this interaction, but she'd taken that into account. While yes, she may have been freed from Xingtian's constraints and thus no longer needed her [i]first [/i]conceptual gag, this was an entirely different separate conceptual gag comprised out of a physical manifestation of her shyness. The constraint was focusing; with it out of her throat and filling her mouth she was free to be as slick as she wanted, even giving a wink and fingerguns to the Princess just to let her know she was grateful for the rescue. She was rewarded by the Princess' face turning red and covering with sweat. It was about this point that Hsien noticed she was still in her fire elemental form. She abruptly and panickedly shut it off. Then she abruptly turned it back on again after remembering that she'd literally burned her clothes off when activating it. In order to maintain her cool authentic self she needed to force project another set of conceptual gags over the existing ones, but it was worth it because it gave her the presence of mind to stand up and face Xingtian rather than melting down as a less spiritually developed creature no doubt would have done so in that moment.