Adam listened to Lillianna as she explained her theory about the cube. Some of it was stuff he already knew, but he was impressed with how articulate she was compared to when she first arrived in Mytheria. Less impressive to him was the fact that Clarissa seemed to enjoy asking irrelevant questions. Yeah, she was fiddling with the cube, but eye color had nothing to do with that. Therefore, he just shook his head. The less he talked, the less likely it would create a new thing for her to ask about. At least she was grateful enough to thank them and spend time looking over the cube once they left. Adam felt she deserved a nod of thanks, even adding a small smile to it as he left the room. The man was willing to go to the hotel at this point, but his ranger friend (who knew for how long though) seemed inclined to stay behind. [quote=MacKensie Trydant] [color=Pink]"I forgot to ask..."[/color] she stopped a dozen steps outside the office, then half-turned back, before hesitating.  Then she simply said to her friends, [color=Pink]"There is no need to wait for me.  I will find you at the hotel."[/color] [/quote] Adam wanted to tell her to be safe, but Lillianna seemed to want to stay behind with her instead. He looked at her with some confusion, as she seemed to want to listen in or something. He wasn't sure what he should do, so the Druid thought it best to head back to the hotel so he wouldn't be in everyone's way. If the library wasn't closed, that would have been his preferred destination. However, it wasn't like he could change their hours magically, so instead the man walked to The Mended Drum in silence with Fenna if she chose to join him.  Surprised to see a room already booked for him, Adam decided the best course of action was to go there and fall asleep. Maybe tomorrow would be a better day. Or maybe it would be the day he was kicked off the team. Whichever it was, there was no use in facing it while tired.