In shadows draped, where whispers dwell, I emerge, a soul both heaven and hell. A spectral figure, cloaked in despair, A dark angel's presence, born of nightmares. Born of anguish, my wings unfold, Feathers black as night, stories untold. A vessel of sorrow, a heart icy cold, Bearing scars of battles within my soul. Through depths of darkness, I find my way, Guided by moonlight, a nocturnal stray. In cobwebbed corners, I seek my solace, A haunted spirit, consumed by malice. My gaze, a tempest of stormy skies, With piercing eyes that mesmerize. Beneath my facade, secrets reside, A maelstrom of emotions I cannot hide. In crimson ink, my sins are penned, The inkwell tainted, the page condemned. A symphony of darkness, my heartstrings play, A melody of sorrow, that won't fade away. Whispers follow, as I tread the night, A spectral figure, veiled in moonlight. A bearer of secrets, a reaper of sin, The dark angel's arrival, where shadows begin. But beneath this veil, I yearn for light, To break free from the chains that bind so tight. For in the abyss, a glimmer of hope, A chance to redeem, to break the dark's yoke. So fear me not, for I bear no ill will, A paradox of shadows, a prophecy fulfilled. The dark angel's journey, an eternal fight, To find redemption, in the depths of night.