[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] "A round of drinks for the room!" - Zell's first act after getting back to The Mended Drum. He was met with the expected cheer and flashed his trademark grin as he spread his arms and took in the adulation with his usual performative air. Counting the heads in the room, he reckoned a gold piece would be more than enough. "That ought'a cover it?" he asked to the barman, Frederick (they'd already been introduced when Zell booked the rooms) as he passed him the money. "And two drinks each for the band!" was an added declaration. "Let's hear it for our lovely musicians, ladies and gents." Another cheer. "Can we get your liveliest song, if you please, my mates. Let's get this party started!" With the room adequately buzzing, Zell ordered a beer for himself and then leaned on the bar, side-on so he could observe the room while he drank. A man approached the bar and thanked Zell who winked back. When the tankard of ale slid his way, he nodded a thanks at Frederick. "You certainly know how to liven things up," the barman said as he served others. "Naturally. Works every time," Zell replied. "Besides, I could use a little boost. Been a rough fucking day, I'll tell you what." "Oh yeah?" Frederick said with that classic, detached bartender interested. "Yeah." Zell let an audible breath out. He couldn't be bothered going through it again, so he left it at that. The cheery music and hum of conversation was nice enough to enjoy in silence, so he did just that. Some time passed. He traded a nice word or two with strangers, but mostly enjoyed his drink. After getting into it with one patron about what sports Mytherians liked to enjoy, he quickly interrupted whatever the man was explaining each time one of his friends were sighted. "Bartender, a drink for my comrade!" he would announce every time. Adam floated through in a hurry to his room, declining a drink. He had a mopey look on his face that suggested he was not bouncing back very well from the battle today. And who could rightly blame the young man. While none of them knew eachother very well, they'd still fought together - aimed to reach Valhiem together - and Adam had been forced to witness two of them murdered. His brain suggested going after the Druid to cheer him up, but the better part of him knew that would be a bad idea. He'd already tried at the hospital. James had tried after the battle. Maybe he just needed time. It was normal. The rest of them would need to stay strong. To keep their eye on the prize. Adam had already done so much to get them to Valhiem. Zell would look out for the man's best interests until his head was back in the game. It was the least he could do.