[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230523/591dce0bf51d338111f448ad7ed4205b.png[/img][/center] Titus returned Mihn's nod with one of his own, the slightest smile on his face as he noted with approval that things were well and truly in motion. His hand gently gripped the bars as he tried to discern what was going on in the cell, Mihn ghosting from view further down the path the gang would take. When he saw Kristo in the guards uniform, he turned his head to regard his cellmate over his shoulder. "Shall we be off then?" he said light-heartedly to Mort. It wasn't really a question. Their cell was opened and with everyone united, the gang quickly made their way out of the prisoner barracks. There was no time to see if Erith was okay. Everything happened so smoothly that other prisoners were only just starting to take notice. "Hey?" "What the fuck is going on?" "Hey, look, there out." Titus struck a spark with his flint to light the fuse of his explosive device. The poison in Nightshade Moss was actually a powerful anesthetic that stopped the brain and lungs working, causing death rather quickly to anyone who consumed too much. However, in the right dose, it would do nothing than put you to sleep for a long period of time. Titus had filled a canister with such an amount - with sugar to act as fuel to burn, and baking soda as an oxidiser to stop the reaction getting too hot - [i]Voila![/i] - the mixture would boil and force itself from the partially sealed canister in the form of condensed smoke. A sleep bomb, so to speak. [b][i]Clink, clink, clink...[/i][/b] The canister rolled into the center of the barracks suddenly billowing clouds of smoke into the air, the colour purple as a result of the Nightshade poison. Last out of the room, Titus flashed a look of contempt at the protesting prisoners as he backed up. It would be the last time any of them ever saw him again. Then the barracks door shut. Now for the next step. "Now remember," Titus started to Kristo. "The guard I deal with; his name is Vito. That's who you are taking me to see." There was no doubt that Kristo was a man brimming with charisma, but his ability to tell a story came with a potential downside and that was; that the man was prone going on large tangeants. "Try to keep any conversation minimal." Titus could only hope the last bit of advice would be taken. Either way, if anything went wrong, they had ample back-up. Maxim was creeping up at their rear (albeit carrying Erith,) and somewhere unseen was deadly Mihn. The others could also help, if worst came to worst and they were forced to overwhelm a foe with numbers. But that last resort was not ideal. They hadn't even been freed of the magic cuffs yet. Anyway, time to see how good Kristo could act.