[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] MacKensie arrived at the inn, deep in thought. The dampened rumble of a boisterious atmosphere changed, as she pushed open the front door, to a volume that shook her from her thoughts. A half-hearted smile came automatically as she was infected by the good vibes, and when Zell loudly called for her to have a drink, she made her way to him. [color=Pink]"Nothing alcoholic for me, tonight, please,"[/color] she said to the barman, then took a seat on a stool next to where the party swordsman was stood. [color=Pink]"Just umm... some fruit juice perhaps?"[/color] She had no idea what was available in this world. But right now, she didn't care, so long as it didn't inhibit her ability to think things through. So much had happened today, it was difficult to process it all. The battle was still so fresh in her mind, begging to be relived over and over again - the pain, the fear, Clive, Arthur... meanwhile, she had a mountain of information to sort through, regarding Source and guilds and wars and just about every ridiculous thing one could think of. She offered a quiet thank you to the barman when he brought her a glass of what she found out was grape juice once she tasted it. Then she stared for a while into the glass of purple liquid. [color=Pink]"The war is coming here, Zell,"[/color] she finally said. [color=Pink]"To Valhiem. That is what the Academy thinks. I'm not so sure how long we have left before we are dragged into it further."[/color] 'Further' being the operative word. They'd already been dragged into it. By the cube. By the assassin who was still out there - who MacKensie had a gut feeling they would still have to settle with. And now this city, this seeming haven of safety was soon to be engulfed in the chaos of battle they'd known for the last two days. [color=Pink]"I feel that whatever our path to success is, to get Fenna and the others home - to maybe go home ourselves - that path might go through the Witch Queen."[/color] It was a worst-case scenario, but it felt like Second Chance had been on a collision course with the Witch Queen from the moment they landed in Hommas - the cube had merely marked the beginning of it. Every turn, every decision felt like [i]She[/i] was involved, every door felt like [i]She[/i] was hiding behind. [color=Pink]"I hope I am wrong."[/color]