[quote=@Jumbus] [@Ti] Hey Ti, Thanks for the clarification on that. It's unfortunate I wasn't in by the deadline. I'll let [@Aeolian] pitch in on if I'm able to sneak in a character sheet. But it's completely fine if thats not allowed considering the deadline [/quote] Hi Jumbus, Thanks for expressing interest, but unfortunately, the deadline for expressing interest was yesterday, and I will be sticking to that, I'm afraid. Our cast is already enormous, and the cut-off was put in place to give newcomers a chance to join while still ensuring that once the deadline was crossed, that's it on new submissions. We needed a cutoff time; otherwise, this RP would become unmanageable. If someone leaves the RP or can no longer participate, I may open back up the RP for new applications. But until then, we are closed on new interests for now. Sorry. :(