[center] [color=f49ac2]Sakura Level 9: 52/90[/color] [color=fff200]Karin Level 5: 47/50[/color] Location: City of Glass Word Count: dasdk Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- [color=f49ac2]Sakura Level 9: 81/90 +28[/color] [indent][color=fff200]Karin Level 6: 26/60 +28 [/color][/indent] [/center] When Goldlewis mentioned Sakura and Raz had committed a felony, she pulled on her collar, a bead of sweat dripping down the side of her face. [color=f49ac2]”O-oh…crap.”[/color] She gulped. [color=f49ac2]”That’s not good. I knew I was never cut out for army life. I hope they don’t make us clean the bathrooms with a toothbrush.”[/color] Sakura said, glancing worriedly over at Raz. — Sakura and Karin woke up bright and early as usual. Well, not for Sakura, who had often maintained an entirely chaotic and inefficient sleeping schedule to have more time for training when she wasn’t in school. But she wasn’t going to school anymore, she was fighting in a war…that did mean less time for training though. Fortunately, experience was a great teacher. Karin was back in her adventurer’s outfit, golden hair hanging by her shoulders. A sleeveless black and blue waterproof top tucked into dark trousers with knee pads and boots. Sakura was wearing her OSF outfit. White headband, black pants and sneakers. And her red, midriff baring top underneath a thick black vest. Both fighters had their respective gloves on to reduce the risk of splitting their knuckles on the faces of their enemies. Karin stood to fighting position when Goldlewis was startled, and Sakura did the same after looking at Karin wondering what the heck the problem was. When the message complete, Karin put her hands on her hips. [color=fff200]”Interesting. I am glad we were made aware of this. I have no problem with mutually beneficial agenda advancements.”[/color] [color=f49ac2]”So, what, we just go there and smack every jerk we see?”[/color] Sakura said. [color=f49ac2]”That almost sounds too good to be true.”[/color] She punched her palm, excited to see some action. — Once there, Karin regarded the oncoming androids coolly, prepared incase it was somehow a trap. But with the evidence of battle all around them, it was clear the opportunity being presented was real. [color=fff200]”Very well.”[/color] Karin regarded their new allies, temporary as they may be. [color=fff200]”I suppose we must make haste.”[/color] [color=fff200]”Their petty squabbles born of insecurity and greed will make ample opportunities for justice to rise from the ashes.” [/color] [color=f49ac2]”You and me should stick together, Raz-kun. Our psychic powers can help each other! Plus, we’re a team. And with Karin, that makes three!”[/color] Sakura said. [color=fff200]”Not so fast, Miss Sakura.” [/color] Karin said with an easy smile. [color=fff200]”With so few members for each time, having us doubling up would be redundant. Best we split up so other teams could use our skills, yes?”[/color] [color=f49ac2]”You make a good point. And that way, you won't have to lose to me in any competitions about who beats up more bad guys.”[/color] Sakura said. An obvious undercurrent of ‘I’m teasing you’ in her voice. Karin’s eyebrow twitched, her smile unfaltering. [color=fff200]”On second thought, perhaps you and I [i]should-[/i]”[/color] [color=f49ac2]”No, no, no, you’re right, you’re right!”[/color] Sakura said, offering Karin a fist bump. [color=f49ac2]”See you when it’s over.”[/color] Karin sighed. [color=fff200]”Indeed.”[/color] She punched Sakura’s hand. [color=f49ac2]”I think you fight better when you’re a little mad.”[/color] Sakura said, shaking out her wrist with a giggle. With that she went to follow Raz and Roxas to their theater of battle.