[center][h2][b]Kareet of Arcaeda[/b][/h2][/center] [hr] It was certainly accurate to say that Kareet could not understand most of what Vigdis was explaining to her. Even if she understood her, literally speaking, Kareet did not have background knowledge to be able to appreciate its ramifications. Vigdis said that the speed of light was as fast as anything could go, which was easy enough to understand, but Kareet did not yet know the impact of having that knowledge. Yet, everything that Vigdis described, Kareet dutifully scribed down into her notes to preserve that knowledge for later use. “Ox-y-gen.” Kareet repeated the word. It did not translate, so she sounded out the word as best as she could. “I think some of you have mentioned it before, but I don’t know what it is. I think, if I remember right, it is why the book Itxaro gave me is apparently prone to catching on fire. You say it is something our air has a lot of, yes? And…you would have been able to tell that our air has so much of it all the way from Earth?” She said, both astounded and confused by the suggestion. She was on the planet and did not know what oxygen even was, but Vigdis claimed they could see it all the way on other worlds. “What is it, and why does it mean a world has life?”