[table][row][cell][right][img]https://i.imgur.com/5e08e4j.png[/img] [/right][/cell] [cell][h3] [u]LOYALTY: [color=82ca9d]SUNSET[/color][color=red]◢[/color][/u] [sub][b][code]A Daughter’s Mire: Part 2[/code][/b] [/sub][/h3] [/cell][/row][/table] Nadara easily secured another transport vehicle from SRN, but this time she was required to pay a fee. “What do you mean you didn’t pay it last time? This is regulation!” Apparently, there were some perks to doing things early in the morning. After avoiding questions on who she’d worked with that morning, and finally obtaining the keys to another unit, Nadara made her way to the entrance where Amina and Zenobia were waiting, geared up. Nadara wasn’t sure how much resistance they would encounter, she would try the diplomatic route first, but her mother had traveled with security and they might pose a problem. Better to be prepared. The side doors lifted open, and Nadara leaned over the back of her chair in the driver’s seat, making eye contact with the two women outside. [color=82ca9d]“Get in, ladies. We’re going to Barentsberg.”[/color] [color=007236]"See this...THIS is the kind of insanity I can get behind."[/color] [i]Zenobia, fully loaded and ready to go, hops into the seat to ride shotgun alongside her.[/i] [color=007236]"So what's the deal here? I assume you're not bringing me along because this is a delicate diplomatic situation."[/color] Nadara settled back into the seat. [color=82ca9d]“Uh, well.”[/color] The truth was, Zenobia and Amina were the only ones who didn’t currently hate her. Plus, the others had all departed to help Zenn with his rescue as far as she was aware. [color=82ca9d]“Let’s say you’re part of the safety net should the diplomatic attempt fail.”[/color] [color=007236]"Aha, checks out,"[/color] [i]Zenobia grins, drumming her hands on the dashboard.[/i] [color=007236]"Just in case though, who exactly are we planning to 'negotiate' with to get our friend back?”[/color] [i]Privately, Zenobia wondered what had gotten her to change course on this issue. Perhaps like her friend back in Eclipse, Nadara just couldn't cope with letting the Asari go too far with how they dealt with their little problem. Or more likely, someone lied to her about the super secret mission they put her on. That seemed in character for the Republic given all the nasty rumors she heard.[/i] [color=ffb302]“We’re not killing a bunch of ranking Asari are we?”[/color] Amina asked cautiously as she slid into the backseat behind Zenobia. Amina had left her Geth Spitfire behind but suddenly felt very… naked without it. Amina had brought her rifle, pistol, and other equipment though and was fully suited up in her armor all the way to the helmet. [color=ffb302][i]Just what are you thinking,[/i][/color] Amina thought, eyes burning through her visor at the back of Nadara’s head, [color=ffb302][i]I guess you have finally made the decision that some orders are not worth seeing through all the way.[/i][/color] Amina ignored the wistful deja vu tugging at her subconscious and awaited Nadara’s answer. With both women safely inside, the door slid closed again and the trio took off. Since Nadara had been forced to pay a fee, she requested a sleek air shuttle so the trip would be faster. [color=82ca9d][i]Might as well get the best, if I’m paying,[/i][/color] she’d thought. This way there was also no risk of missing the window before Lidanya returned to the Citadel. Nadara kept her eyes head, but quickly glanced back at Amina before answering her question. [color=82ca9d]“There’s only one high ranking Asari we’ll have to worry about. And killing her is entirely off the table.”[/color] Her eyes slid over to Zenobia. [color=82ca9d]“Under no circumstances is she to be threatened with physical violence,”[/color] she stressed. [color=82ca9d]“But to answer your question,”[/color] she directed back to Amina, [color=82ca9d]“Lidanya is the head of Asari forces in Sol, Captain of the Destiny Ascension, and is currently leading efforts to restore the Citadel. She came to Earth personally to collect Janiri, which I found strange after what I discovered.”[/color] Nadara continued to elaborate on the details she’d been able to find about Janiri, but conveniently left out the details of just how she was able to get this information. [color=82ca9d]“Anyway, Lidanya had security detail with her. They were an all Asari team, but I didn’t recognize any as being important. [i]They’re[/i] the ones we’re hoping to avoid confrontation with.”[/color] [color=ffb302]“Matriarch… Lidanya.”[/color] Amina repeated. [color=ffb302][i]Well, this is certainly going to be interesting.[/i][/color] Amina did not like this. At all. She highly doubted that this was going to go smoothly. If the head of Asari forces in the system wanted Janiri, or at least took enough interest in a personal pickup, then odds were she was not at all interested in handing Janiri back over. And so abruptly at that. [color=ffb302][i]Well, I have my flashbangs.[/i][/color] Amina thought as she sat back, crossing one leg over the other. [color=ffb302]“I really hope you know just what you are doing, Bubbles. Especially with us involved.”[/color] Nadara raised an eyebrow at the nickname but otherwise didn’t comment. Goddess knew she needed these women’s help, and if being named after hollow, floating spheres was how she accomplished it, so be it. Nadara couldn’t for the life of her understand why Amina chose that name though. [color=82ca9d]“You’re both just insurance. I’ve been told you have it because it’s good to, but that you don’t usually use it.”[/color] [color=ffb302][i]And when you do actually try to use it it wants to renegotiate on you.[/i][/color] Amina thought looking out the nearby port window. [color=ffb302]“Well, let us just hope that this goes well and we needn’t fire a shot.”[/color] [i]Zenobia leaned back with a look of surprise.[/i] [color=007236]"Someone that important, coming to collect her personally? That's very interesting... Still, if you think you have a chance of talking this lady out of taking Janiri, more power to ya. Can't say I'd make the same choice, but...."[/color] [i]She shrugs.[/i] Nadara grimaced. [color=82ca9d]“I don’t think I’ll be able to talk her out of it.”[/color] She sighed, thinking of the headache from the conversation she was about to walk in to. [color=82ca9d]“Probably should have discussed my reservations with Charles before leaving, actually. He might have been able to offer some help, politically speaking. But I didn’t think of that until just now.”[/color] She shrugged. [color=82ca9d]“Well, no going back now.”[/color] [color=007236]"Hey if it all goes to shit, least you can reassure yourself with how you're doin the right thing."[/color] [i]She winks at Nadara.[/i] [color=007236]"You've NO idea how nice that is when you can tell that to yourself."[/color] Nadara smiled in response. She normally felt like she was doing the right thing, and rarely had to question her own actions or even backpedal as she was now. The most recent memory of such an occurrence having been when she’d chosen the wrong outfit for a prominent centennial bash. The shuttle she’d rented flew smoothly and she could see the outline of the city ahead. Holding the steering with one hand, Nadara reached into a specialized pocket in her armored suit and produced a stick of Bubbalicious. [color=82ca9d]“Gum?”[/color] She asked, hoping they would politely decline. Between her irritation with Kysar and disappointment with the conditions on the SRN base in Svalbard, her stores were running thin. [color=82ca9d]“We’ll be touching down shortly.”[/color] [color=007236]"Uh, sure..."[/color] [i]Zenobia takes a stick, not entirely certain of what to do with it.[/i] [color=ffb302]“No thanks, Bubbles.”[/color] Amina slightly shook her head, eyes still trained out the viewport. After returning the pack to its special pocket, Nadara glanced over to Zenobia, who was still inspecting the gum. [color=82ca9d]“Chew it,”[/color] she explained, half exasperated and half amused. If Nadara was going to lose out on a precious piece, it better be thoroughly enjoyed! [color=007236]"Oh...I uh...knew that..."[/color] [i]Zenobia does so, a bit awkwardly at first, but she gets the rhythm going.[/i] Lidanya was lodged in an abandoned coal mine on the outskirts of Barentsberg. It was a large facility, but the reason Nadara assumed she’d selected the location was to be as discreet as possible. Nadara had questioned why of course, particularly when there must have been a few upscale hotels in the city proper that would have been much more accommodating, but hadn’t bothered to ask any questions lest she extended the interaction more than necessary. An Asari transporting another Asari didn’t seem suspicious in the least to Nadara and she couldn’t understand at first why her mother had used such discretion. Even now, with the knowledge that Janiri was a high value target, Nadara couldn’t quite understand the secrecy. Sure, Asari didn’t necessarily want much information about Ardat Yakshi known by the general public, but it wasn’t as though Ardat Yakshi could be identified on sight. The borrowed SRN shuttle touched down in the vast and empty parking lot in front of the brick building that had to have been the main administration for the coal mines below. Nadara frowned, stepping out of the vehicle and looking around. [color=82ca9d]“Strange, they came out to meet me as soon as I arrived earlier. I suppose now that they have what they want, polite conventions have gone out of the window.”[/color] Nadara motioned to the front doors with a nod. [color=82ca9d]“Shall we?”[/color] [color=007236]"Everyone remember where we parked..."[/color] [i]Zenobia vaults from the car door, punching a fist into her hand with a biotic spark.[/i] Amina followed behind, firmly gripping her Vindicator at a half-raised position. She looked around, mind crawling with suspicion and worried concern. [color=ffb302][i]I have a feeling this is going to go straight south.[/i][/color] Ensuring the doors closed behind them Amina stepped in close behind Nadara. [color=ffb302] “So your plan is… what again?”[/color] Nadara placed a hand on Amina’s weapon, firmly pressing down. [color=82ca9d]“Let’s not go in guns blazing, shall we? As for my plan…”[/color] She considered for a moment. [color=82ca9d] “I’ll be honest, I don’t have much of one. Attempting to reason with Lidanya comes first, of course. But in all likelihood, we’ll just find Janiri and take her.”[/color] She shrugged nonchalantly. Nadara was thankful the two weren’t asking too many questions. She didn’t want to have to explain why she wasn’t too worried about getting court martialed for essentially kidnapping and abetting a criminal. [color=82ca9d]“M— Lidanya’s security detail might object of course, which is why we have to be ready for a fight.”[/color] [i]Zenobia tilted her head slightly at Nadara's stutter, but didn't dwell on it. Hell, she'd be nervous too. She'd tangled with asari plenty of times back in her mercenary days, and they weren't really found in places like...this. What was it the humans tried to dig up here, coal?[/i] [color=007236]"I think if they're holed up here then their position may not be very secure,"[/color] [i]she pointed out.[/i] [color=007236]"Might be something we can use to our advantage."[/color] If it was anyone else, Nadara might not have bothered with the niceties of diplomacy, but while she and her mother didn’t get along, she wouldn’t outright attack. [color=82ca9d]“Perhaps so. Keep an eye out as we get inside.”[/color] Nadara made eye contact with both women upon reaching the doors, but when she pulled on the handles, they were locked. [color=82ca9d]“What the?”[/color] Now, this was unexpected. It was still the early afternoon, Lidanya should not have left yet. [color=007236]"I don't suppose you have a key?"[/color] [i]Zenobia rolls her shoulders plants her feet.[/i] [color=007236]"I happen to have one, if you don't care about property damage."[/color] Nadara tilted her head. [color=82ca9d]“Why.. no, [i]how[/i].. do you have a key to an abandoned coal mine?”[/color] [color=007236]"KNOCK KNOCK!"[/color] [i]With a metallic crunch, Zenobia launches forward and violently kicks the door open, splintering the offending chair in the process.[/i] [color=82ca9d]“Oh, I see.”[/color] Inside, the lobby was empty and dark. Nadara hadn’t gone inside when she’d delivered Janiri, so she wasn’t sure which way to go. Where was her mother, and why was no one here? [color=82ca9d]“Hello?”[/color] She called out, but only a small echo responded. [color=007236]"You sure you got the right place?"[/color] [i]She muttered, looking around the suspiciously abandoned room.[/i] [color=82ca9d]“Certain.”[/color] [color=007236]"Hmmm...either way, someone didn't want us getting in so easily..."[/color] [i]Zenobia looks at the broken chair again.[/i] [color=007236]"Let's snoop..."[/color] [color=82ca9d]“Seemed easy enough from where I was standing…”[/color] Amina sighed and stepped inside, albeit it slowly. She kept her weapon low, even with her hips - granted her hands were in place to bring it up and fire at a moments’ notice. [color=ffb302]“If anyone is here they just are too far back to have heard you or they are trying to keep low.”[/color] Amina said to Nadara. [color=ffb302]“Or they’re moving to ambush us as we speak.”[/color] Amina felt that she probably should not have said that out loud. With the unhinged Turian present she might start slinging biotic energy at every shadow. [i]Zenobia was feeling a bit uneasy at this. If this was her mission, she'd have started slinging biotic energy at every shadow by now.[/i] [color=007236]"Or they took a leave of absence..."[/color] [i]She looks around for another door...[/i] There are two doors on either end of the back wall, behind the remains of a reception desk. Both are closed, though there are indications around the door to the left that it has been recently opened. Namely, the impression of the door’s swing on the thick blanket of dust on the ground, along with a scattering of footprints all around the interior of the room they were in. [i]She tries that left door![/i] Unfortunately, it too, is locked. [color=007236]"Well luckily I have a master key..."[/color] [color=82ca9d]“I’m not sure that’s the best—”[/color] [i]THUMP[/i] [color=007236]"OW! Shit....okay, master key's broken."[/color] [i]She rubs her shoulder irritably.[/i] Nadara placed a hand on Zenobia’s unwounded shoulder for comfort. [color=82ca9d]“Would’ve been too simple.”[/color] She then made eye contact with Amina. [color=82ca9d]“Rogue, do you have any [i]‘keys’[/i]?”[/color] [color=ffb302]“Keys, no. But I do have these.”[/color] Amina let’s her rifle slip to her side as she pulls a frag grenade from her belt and holds it out in her left hand. [color=ffb302]“I snagged them back at ‘base’.”[/color] [color=007236]"I....okay that works."[/color] [i]She moves behind cover, pulling Nadara with her.[/i] In different circumstances, Nadara would have had no issues with tearing the place down, but as it was, there was no way to tell who was inside the locked room. [color=82ca9d]“No, it’s too excessive,”[/color] she said, pulling back from Zenobia. Instead, Nadara knocked loudly on the door. [color=82ca9d]“Lidanya?”[/color] There was no response after a moment, and just as Nadara was about to suggest they try to bust it down again (preferably sans explosives), her mother’s voice could be heard through the other side of the door. “Nadara?” She sounded shocked, no, more than that, affronted. “You’re part of this?” [color=82ca9d]“Part of what?”[/color] Suddenly, two Asari in full gear burst into the room from the other set of doors which lead into a corridor. Weapons drawn and trained on the unsuspecting trio, they held their position. [color=82ca9d] “What’s going on here?”[/color] Nadara yelled, surprised. She immediately recognized one of the Asari as having been part of her mother’s security detail. [color=82ca9d]“Call them off!”[/color] [color=007236]"....ah, found the welcoming party."[/color] [i]Zenobia clenched her fists, a biotic field stirring up around her...[/i] One of the agents before them held a hand up to her ear as if she was receiving a message, before nodding to her companion in confirmation. Both raised their weapons to take aim at the trio. Nadara’s mouth gaped open. Why was her mother attacking!? Ok, well, it wasn’t Lidanya directly, but these Asari worked for her, Nadara was sure of it. She distinctly remembered having the thought that one of the Asari’s features would be much better accentuated with the addition of white markings. [color=82ca9d]“I said, call them off!”[/color] Nadara prepared a biotic shield to cover herself as well as Amina and Zenobia from the oncoming fire. Amina raised her weapon but did not fire. Eyes training down through the scope on one of the Asari. She may not get the first shots in but she intended for them to hit true - the dot of her scope right on the left Asari’s face. The assailants let loose a volley of firepower but they were no match for Nadara’s biotic sphere that provided full coverage for herself and her two teammates. [color=007236]"Well so much for the diplomatic efforts,"[/color] [i]Zenobia declares, charging ahead and calling forth a singularity on the three of them. The charge, for whatever reason, proves unstable, mostly just pulling Zenobia towards its center, and not doing much to throw off the guards.[/i] [color=ffb302][i]Dammit![/i][/color] Amina managed to hold her aim steady thanks to years of training and no shortage of combat experience, the rising nerves from the sudden escalation not enough to throw her. [color=ffb302][i]The shield will cover us![/i][/color] Amina pulled the trigger, a triple burst cutting through the air and striking the target Asari directly in the head. Amina felt a surge of grim satisfaction as the target fell backward behind a spray of purple and crumpled to the floor. Amina swiveled her rifle to the right to take aim at the other Asari. Zenobia’s singularity failed, landing much too close to to be effective against the enemy, instead pulling Zenobia outside of Nadara’s sphere. Why is everything backwards today!? If they didn’t act quickly her body would be riddled with bullets. Thankfully, both Nadara and Amina were able to keep their balance, with Amina even swiftly taking out one of the agents. [color=82ca9d]“Good shot,”[/color] Nadara yelled as she gathered the biotic energy from the sphere into a single point and taking aim at the second agent. With a crackle of static, the biotic charge shot forward and struck true, the force slamming the unknown Asari against the opposite wall, where she slumped over. [color=82ca9d]“You alright, Lunatic?”[/color] [color=007236]"Gluh....yup...."[/color] [i]Zenobia gets back to her feet, punching the desk as she got her balance back.[/i] [color=007236]"Only thing hurt's my pride."[/color] [i]Probably to vent some frustration, Lunatic lives up to her name and violently kicks in the other locked door. [color=007236]"Afternoon ma'am, we're here to negotiate."[/color] The room behind the locked door was fairly small. Toward the back lay Janiri’s unconscious form, beside which sat an obviously injured Asari, who gripped her side that was wet with blood. Next to the door were the remains of an old couch and shelving unit that appeared to have been hastily pushed out of the way. Lidanya’s sidearm was raised, pointed directly at Zenobia’s face. [color=82ca9d]“Put it down!”[/color] Nadara yelled, stepping forward. Lidanya seemed surprised to see her daughter. A disappointment Nadara was accustomed to seeing was clear on her face, the unmasked hurt however was new. “So you really are part of this.” [color=82ca9d]“Part of what!?”[/color] “The attack on my life, Nadara, don’t play dumb!” Lidanya’s weapon was still raised, and she switched from aiming at Zenobia to Amina, and finally, to Nadara herself. Amina stood to the side of Nadara, weapon raised though she was not actively training her aim down her scope. She merely remained at the ready, finger on the trigger as she surveyed the Asari before herself and her companions. Whatever clarity was to come would hopefully come forth before more bullets started to fly. [color=007236]"Nadara actually made things very clear that we WEREN'T going to attack you,"[/color] [i]Zenobia coolly said.[/i] [color=007236]"Whoever's after you, it's not us."[/color] [i]She glances over at Janiri.[/i] [color=007236]"Something to do with her, perhaps?"[/color] Nadara couldn’t believe her mother would point a gun at her. She felt a righteous indignation flaring up inside her, and opened her mouth to speak, but found Zenobia answering for her, defending her. And to her other side, Nadara found Amina, poised and ready should action be needed. This.. this was a new feeling. Lidanya faltered momentarily, her weapon lowering slightly, though her finger remained on the trigger. “So, you’re not here for Janiri?” Clearing her throat, Nadara found her composure. Things were a little too hot to get into that right away. [color=82ca9d]“Let’s put the weapons down and you can explain what happened here.”[/color] Lidanya’s eyes met Nadara’s for a brief moment, and the Matriarch gave a short nod. She holstered her sidearm and moved aside, allowing the three to enter the room as she glanced into the lobby, surveying the results of the firefight she’d overheard. “There should be three more,” Lidanya said, just as a bullet grazed the doorframe, almost striking her. Nadara pulled her mother into the room and shut the door in one quick movement. [color=ffb302]“Verified.”[/color] Amina said almost mechanically. Amina darted to the side and plastered herself to the wall to the right of the door, tightly gripping her Vindicator. [color=ffb302][i]We have the numbers. We just need to be smart about this and we can roll them.[/i][/color] Amina’s tactical sense flaring up in her mind. [color=ffb302]“Just three more?”[/color] Amina blurted out questioningly. Lidanya pinched the bridge of her nose. “As far as I know.” Opposite to Amina, Nadara made eye contact as she reached for the handle. [color=82ca9d]“Shall we put that grenade to use, now?”[/color] She asked with a smirk. [color=007236]"Please do, I can only contain my excitement for SO long."[/color] Amina slipped away the frag and switched it for a flashbang. Even if the attackers went for cover the flash and ear-splitting sound could still debilitate them. Amina readied the grenade and with a nod to and from Nadara the Asari flung the door open and Amina pitched the grenade around the doorframe as bullets streaked inside. [color=ffb302]“Heads down!”[/color] Amina shouted as the flashbang bounced across the floor into the lobby. Amina and Nadara pulled away from the door, the flashbang going off less than three seconds later. The flash lit up the lobby and the sharp crack made Amina’s ears ache even under the confines of her helmet. There was no sound to be heard, no scurrying of boots or loud screams of agony. [color=ffb302][i]Dammit! Did they dive for cover that quickly?[/i][/color] Amina cursed to herself. Tempted as she was she did not peek around the corner or even blind-fire, instead keeping totally in cover. Nadara, who hadn't been expecting a flashbang after suggesting the grenade, didn't know to protect her eyes, and kept them fully opened as Amina tossed the item out of the door, intending to spot the enemies in their rush to cover. Instead, all she witnessed was a blinding white light which burned her eyes. Ducking for cover with her hands over her watery eyes, she groaned. [color=82ca9d]"Did you not learn this lesson from the meat plant, Rogue!? You have to warn us about flashbangs."[/color] Her tone was slightly louder than normal, indicating Nadara's hearing had also been affected. [i]The blinding white and piercing sound of the flashbang only barely covered up the distinct crash of a desk being hurled across the room beyond and the accompanying surge of biotic energy. When everything comes back, Zenobia is suspiciously absent.[/i] [color=007236]"HEY IF YOU'RE ALL COOL IN THERE, TWO OF THEM JUST TOOK COVER BEHIND THE DESK I LAUNCHED."[/color] Lidanya pulled her lieutenant and Janiri toward a back corner of the room. “I’m not sure I approve of the company you keep, Nadara.” She yelled, over the noise. “Such unconventional means of battle!” Nadara saw the blurry image of her mother, who seemed to be saying something, but Nadara couldn’t make it out. [color=82ca9d]“What?”[/color] After Zenobia launched the desk into the lobby, it landed on one of the Asari agents, taking her out immediately due to the powerful force behind her biotics. The two remaining Asari assailants however quickly utilized the desk for cover and retaliated with a biotic attack of their own. One lifted the Turian into the air, while the other readied an attack. After ensuring Janiri and the lieutenant were sufficiently blocked from the sight of any enemies outside, Lidanya stood to join in the counterattack. As a matriarch she could not sit idly by. Just as the second Asari agent was taking aim at the vulnerable Turian held in the air, Lidanya sent her own biotic shockwave, striking the enemy in the side and causing her to miss her target. Zenobia was still safe for now but remained entirely vulnerable to attack in her suspended state. Amina whirled around the doorframe and took aim with her rifle. She could see Zenobia floating in the air, like fish in a barrel an easy target for the attackers. Amina looked down her scope at the assailant whom she could see was keeping Zenobia suspended upward, the Asari rippling with the telltale blue energy of biotics. Amina hadn’t the time to line up another perfect headshot, Zenobia needed free now or else be plinked to death by a volley of gunfire. The time Lidanya had bought with her staggering attack was mere seconds. Amina placed the red dot of her scope on the attackers’ midsection and fired, the stability dampener making up for the drift. The shots connected, the Asari staggering backward as her effort was disrupted causing Zenobia to plummet downward. Nadara gripped her head and blinked furiously through the tears as the fuzzy surroundings of the abandoned building began to sharpen into focus. While her vision hadn’t fully returned yet, she was able to see the last few moments play out as her mother prevented Zenobia from being wounded or worse, and then as Amina prepared a shot beside her. Nadara had spent enough time keeping her balance under the influence of alcohol, to be able to stand and offer assistance. Head piercing and a loud whooshing still audible, a blue current of energy nonetheless began coursing through her. As Amina’s shot struck the Asari agent, Nadara reached out with her own biotics to Zenobia. From the height she’d been held, she could have easily broken a bone from the fall, but Nadara was able to righten the Turian and slow the rate of her descent slightly so she landed on her feet. [i]Despite landing on her feet, the aforementioned tossing around like a ragdoll took a bit out of Zenobia and she stumbled before finding her footing again, doing the rare thing of drawing her sidearm with an angry flourish.[/i] [color=007236]"That was...unpleasant."[/color] The Asari struck by Amina’s shot ducked behind the desk, likely to attend to her wound. The second remaining enemy had been staggered by Lidanya’s attack, but quickly recovered. Perhaps fed up with the lack of success from the firearm she’d been using, the Asari relied instead on her biotics. Noticing a plank of wood near Amina, she used her power to slam the item into the human, sending her to the floor under the piece of wood. [color=ffb302][i]Damn![/i][/color] Amina’s vision spun and her head panged, as did her entire torso. Even with the armor to protect her the sudden physical hit paired with a biotic charge and a hard landing shook up Amina. Her rifle had slipped from her hand and lay about three feet away just out of reach. Amina’s hair bristled and her stomach summersaulted inside her as she heard the continuing of gunfire. Where she lay she was a sitting target. [color=ffb302][i]Get up![/i][/color] Amina urged herself, managing to wiggle her forearms and hands under the large plank and frantically pushing upward. Her head pounded but she ignored it, needing to get up off the floor immediately. Nadara’s vision and hearing had now mostly returned to normal. She and her mother made eye contact, and Nadara nodded toward Amina as Lidanya confirmed her nod towards the Asari agents still using the desk Zenobia launched into the lobby for cover. As she rushed to Amina’s aide, she pulled up a second biotic shield to prevent any stray bullets from finding their mark. The plank over Amina was heavier than it seemed, and as Nadara pushed it up and off the human, she wished she’d used her biotics instead. Once the door was finally shoved aside, Nadara reached for Amina’s arm with a secure grip. [color=82ca9d]“I got you,”[/color] she said, pulling her up to her feet and guiding her back behind the door for cover. While this took place, Lidanya’s body glowed blue with the static of her biotic powers. She was about to show these younger Asari what it meant to be a Matriarch. The strength of Lidanya’s resulting shockwave aimed at the Asari who’d slammed Amina with the plank was palpable even to those who weren’t along its path of destruction. The threads of blue energy rose high in the air, crackling like lightning as they tore easily through the desk, leaving it in splinters, before fully eliminating her target. Now, only the Asari who Amina had wounded remained. With the desk no more than a pile of sawdust and splinters, she had nowhere to hide. The remaining agent stood, releasing her hold of the side where Amina’s bullet had punctured, blood flowing freely as she tossed aside her gun and raised her hands in an effort to pull forth all her remaining strength into a final biotic attack. [i]Zenobia pounded on an overturned shelf with her fist as she regained her bearings, an unpleasant looking snarl on her face as she warmed up a biotic attack. Charging into the path of whoever the last asari's next victim would be, she ripped her from the earth and hoisted her high into the air, making her easy pickings for her crew.[/i] Amina looked back and saw Zenobia lifting the last of the attackers up into the air. Despite her battered state Amina felt an instinctive rush - that “take control combat drive” she would have - just wanting to finish off the opposition and secure the situation. Amina pulled loose from Nadara’s grip and reached to her hip for her pistol, slipping her other hand under her helmet and lifting it off. Amina’s vision was a bit fuzzy but nothing terribly offsetting. Despite the lingering pain Amina brought up her pistol and took aim, lining her sights up on the elevated Asari as best she could. Amina unloaded her pistol as they say, index finger snapping against the trigger again and again as the immobilized Asari was pelted with rounds, blood splattering down across the floor from above. Amina kept squeezing at the trigger until she felt a sudden expulsion of heat from her pistol and the rounds stopped coming. The Asari, still elevated by Zenobia’s biotics, floated limp in the air. [color=ffb302]“Look at that.”[/color] Amina said with abrasive randomness as she popped out the expended thermal clip from her pistol. [i]Zenobia tossed the dead asari across the room with a lazy flick of her wrist and turned back to Lidanya with an amused look.[/i] [color=007236]"So....care to explain why we just painted the walls with your lackeys?"[/color] Nadara was surprised at the consecutive bullets Amina continued firing when the enemy had clearly died after the first two. She shrugged, eyebrows raised at the questioning glance from her mother. Lidanya frowned, walking up to the body of one of the Asari to remove her Omni-tool. “They were not my [i]‘lackeys’[/i],” she responded in a dry tone. [color=82ca9d]“Then who were they?”[/color] Nadara asked, glancing around the lobby once more to ensure there weren’t any more of them lying in wait. After a quick search through the tool the Matriarch stood tall and motioned for them to head back into the small room. The lieutenant they had left was unconscious by this time, and Lidanya added another medi-gel packet to her wound and checked on Janiri before turning her attention back to the trio. During this, Nadara raised her hands in defense at the annoyed glances from her teammates. She was just as keen on getting the information as they were, but she knew Lidanya was always on her own time. “Turns out they were Eclipse agents according to the omni-tool,” she finally responded, tossing the tool to Zenobia. “I knew someone was after her, but wasn’t sure who, which is why I tried to keep everything as quiet as possible. Turns out, the merchants I hired for security ended up working for the enemy all along.” [color=007236]"....Eclipse?"[/color] [i]Zenobia turns back to look at where the asari the team took down were strewn about.[/i] [color=007236]"Explains a lot....definitely the kind of underhanded shit we'd pull off."[/color] “We?” Lidanya stressed, an eyebrow raised. Her hand inched closer to the gun holstered at her hip. “So you are with them.” Amina looked around at Zenobia, a fresh thermal clip in her pistol. [color=ffb302][i]That is a… dumb admission. Unless?…[/i][/color] [color=ffb302]“You mean formerly?”[/color] [color=82ca9d]“Even if she doesn’t mean that, we had nothing to do with this attack.”[/color] Nadara’s eyes shifted to Zenobia, a worry set in her brow. [color=82ca9d]“Right?”[/color] [i]Zenobia blinks, realizing that an admission like that sounds a bit iffy.[/i] [color=007236]"Ex-Eclipse,"[/color] [i]she hastily points out.[/i] [color=007236]"Least I am. I more or less walked after the Reaper War after the rest of the team I knew were too dead or damaged for mercenary work. Hell, I didn't know we still had any active units in the Sol sector."[/color] Lidanya narrowed her eyes, her hand now resting on the holster. “Why are you here?” She turned to Nadara. “You asked me when I would be leaving and then went dark. Next thing I know you arrive right after Ta’nee and I were ambushed by the Eclipse. Had you all not assisted in taking them out, I would have thought surely you were part of this plot to take Janiri. As it is, I still need convincing.” [color=007236]"Well that's the funny thing, we WERE here to try and get Janiri back...just not by hitting anyone."[/color] [i]Zenobia folds her arms.[/i] [color=007236]"Why Eclipse would be after her, I don't know. Something to do with the Night Demon stuff?"[/color] Lidanya stood and walked over to where Janiri lay, standing before her. She unclipped the holstered weapon, and held it, barrel aimed at the floor. “Enough with the toying. You are after her as I suspected.” She shot an accusatory stare at Nadara, unsurprised. “I just don’t understand the purpose of delivering her first. Did you send the Eclipse as a diversion? Is this all some twisted game to you?” [color=82ca9d]“Mother, I would never jeopardize your life. I promise you we had nothing to do with the Eclipse attack. We were just as surprised to find this situation as you were when we arrived.”[/color] “Then why are you after Janiri?” [color=ffb302][i]‘Mother?’[/i][/color] Amina thought. Well this was a surprise, to Amina anyway. [color=ffb302][i]She is the daughter of a an Asari Matriarch. This… explains a good bit in itself.[/i][/color] Well if anything hopefully this would offer an advantage to trying to get Janiri back to SRN. Then again, and maybe Amina was reading things wrong, but it could just bolster the opposite effect. [color=007236][i]'Mother?'[/i][/color] [/i]Zenobia thought, exchanging a look with Amina. That definitely does explain a lot, and makes things interesting on top of that.[/i] [color=82ca9d]“Look,”[/color] Nadara started, trying to find the right words. This was not what her teammates were accustomed to seeing from her. Poise, confidence, self assurance, these were common traits, but before her mother, the commonly outspoken Asari seemed unsure of herself. [color=82ca9d]“Bringing her here—”[/color] Suddenly multiple things happened at once. The Asari Nadara had launched into the wall when they were first ambushed after entering the abandoned building had only been knocked unconscious. She awoke during the ensuing battle, but maintained her position to avoid detection. Once everyone walked back inside the room, she picked herself up and secured a weapon from one of her fallen comrades. The Eclipse agent now stood at the door, weapon raised and aimed directly at Lidanya. “Should have made sure we were dead,” she spat, making her presence known. There was little time to act, but as the Eclipse agent began to pull the trigger, Janiri stood unexpectedly, placing herself in front of Lidanya. The orders from the Ecplise had been clear. The missing agent, Janiri, was to be apprehended and brought back into their ranks, but no harm was to come to her. The agent had no choice but to lift her arm, the shot missing its target by a wide margin, instead striking the cement wall to the left of Lidanya. Without turning around, Janiri reached behind her and lifted Lidanya’s hand which still held her SMG, with unfocused eyes, she was still able to take aim at the Eclipse agent and press Lidanya’s finger, pulling the trigger. The resulting shot hit the enemy Asari in the neck, and she fell to the floor, sputtering as she attempted to take her final breaths. With the threat attended to, Janiri promptly buckled under her own weight and would have fallen to the floor had Lidanya not supported her. Nadara, closest to the two, rushed forward, and helped ease Janiri to the floor. [color=82ca9d]“You’re awake!?”[/color] “She was,” interjected Lidanya, who stepped between Janiri and Nadara as soon as the former had been safely placed on the ground. “She’s gone back under.” [i]Zenobia blinked as blood splattered across her face, the Eclipse soldier crumpling shortly after. Snickering, she strode over to the dead body.[/i] [color=007236]"Not that it matters at this point,"[/color] she snarked. [color=007236]"But you're fired."[/color] Amina shook her head. The Asari mercenary was right, they should have made sure every enemy was dead first thing. Deciding there was no point in dwelling on the error Amina turned and walked up beside Nadara and Lidanya, looking at Janiri with uncertainty. [color=ffb302][i]The attackers are dealt with. Now what about getting her back to SRN?[/i][/color] Amina had sized up the Matriarch somewhat so far, and frankly she expected that less than half their job had been finished. If Asari Matriarchs were anything like Amina imagined then odds were they would not be getting Janiri out of here or they would have to knock Lidanya in the head and run. The latter feeling even more unlikely now knowing that Lidanya was Nadara’s mother. [color=ffb302][i]Not to mention assaulting a ranking Asari and swiping away someone SRN already agreed to hand over would not doubt have severe ramification.[/i][/color] [color=82ca9d]“We should get her back to the SRN hospital. This should get looked at immediately, and travel to the Citadel will take too long— we’re not sure what kind of reaper technology she was subjected to.”[/color] Nadara crossed her arms. “She’ll be looked at by the top Asari doctors available on the Citadel. With Eclipse and Goddess knows who else after her, I won’t delay our departure any longer.” [color=007236]"And how well is your speedy departure going so far?"[/color] [i]Zenobia makes her point by shoving over the body of the Eclipse soldier with her foot.[/i] Lidanya narrowed her eyes, but quickly brushed the quip off, feigning indifference. “We will be taking our departure as soon as you all move out of our way.” The Matriarch’s right arm displayed the signature blue glow of biotic power and both her Lieutenant’s and Janiri’s body were raised off the floor, floating at hip height. “If you’ll excuse us.” Nadara refused to move aside, her arms stayed crossed over her chest. A display of defiance, but also so no one noticed her hands shake. [color=82ca9d]“I’m afraid I can’t step aside.”[/color] “Oh? So you’ve finally come to your senses and will be joining me on the Citadel. It’s about time you’ve started to take things seriously, Nadara.” [color=82ca9d]“We’re not having this argument again!”[/color] Nadara huffed. [i]Zenobia moves with Nadara to stand in her mother's way, her own arms displaying the same blue spark of biotic power, albeit more chaotic and unfettered then the matron's controlled glow.[/i] [color=007236]"I think you've demonstrated that you can't exactly be responsible for keeping her safe, lady."[/color] “Are you threatening me?” [color=82ca9d]“No,”[/color] Nadara answered for Zenobia, pushing the Turian’s arms down. She looked Zenobia in the eye as she continued, [color=82ca9d]“We’re not.”[/color] [i]Zenobia grunts irritably, but acquiesces.[/i] Nadara knew what they had witnessed had been just a fraction of her mother’s true power. If the others had been upset by her handing over Janiri, she didn’t even want to think about their reactions if she got one of their teammates outright killed. Amina stepped in close beside Nadara, weapon low, but eyes full of defiance through the slit of her visor. [color=ffb302]“We’re taking Janiri back to SRN with us. We did mot come here to fight you, we came to recover Janiri. She is part of our organization, part of the team.”[/color] Nadara cringed slightly. This was not going well. Perhaps she should have thought better than to bring along a “Lunatic” and a “Rogue.” What they needed now was diplomacy, logic, reasoning, not threats and demands. Especially when such demands were emotionally based, which her mother had never entertained. Lidanya let out a condescending scoff at Amina. “She is no longer part of your organization, or your team. I have the documents to prove it, while all you three seem to have are some misdirected desires. I have been granted custody of Janiri. Not only does she no longer have any ties with the SRN, she is a wanted criminal, and a dangerous Ardat Yakshi. There is absolutely no reason for me to hand her over to a trio of incompetent children.” [color=82ca9d]“Enough!”[/color] Lidanya seemed surprised at Nadara’s outburst, in a way that someone would be surprised to find a child throwing a tantrum in a public place. It happened, but you never expected it, and it was always distasteful. Nadara held her arms out, making some space between herself and her teammates. She needed to breathe. [color=82ca9d]“Mother,”[/color] she began after a moment, her tone calmer. [color=82ca9d]“Janiri is not some object to be won or locked away and mined for treasure. When I brought her to you, I wasn’t given all the information, and it doesn’t seem as though the SRN was made privy to all the relevant details either, or I honestly doubt Charles would have agreed to handing her over. She’s never taken a life. I’m unable to speak for her,”[/color] Nadara paused and glanced at the Asari who hung limply in the air. How had she suddenly woken up? Why had she gone right back to ‘sleep’, as it were? Nadara didn’t want to think about those details. [color=82ca9d]“And she’s currently unable to speak for herself, but from what I have learned, she was a good teammate and wanted to help others. I don’t understand the science, but Janiri barely qualifies as an Ardat Yakshi, and perhaps that has everything to do with your wanting to experiment on her—”[/color] “That’s classified information, Nadara,” Lidanya interrupted, but Nadara pushed through. [color=82ca9d]“She doesn’t deserve to be treated as a danger when she hasn’t posed any to anyone, or to be treated as an object to be discarded. As a Matriarch, you should be helping your people, as an Asari, you should want to do what’s best for your sisters.”[/color] “I will not be taking life advice from the likes of you, Nadara, who has scarcely been able to make a contribution through yours.” Nadara gritted her teeth and ignored the barb. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t become accustomed to the constant criticism from her mother. [color=82ca9d]“She should be returned to the SRN. It’s the right thing to do.”[/color] Amina felt a spike in her chest. [color=ffb302][i]This Matriarch wants Janiri strapped down in a lab for the rest of her life. To be poked and prodded at all for the sake of ‘science’. She does not care about Janiri being a criminal’, not really. It is just a scapegoat.[/i][/color] The spike turned to a low boiling in the pit of Amina’s gut as images flashed through her mind, images from her time with Cerberus. [color=ffb302][i]Needles, serums, element zero exposure, scaldings, shocks, screams-[/i][/color] Anima felt a bead of sweat sliding down her temple as the boiling in her torso just seemed to rise up past her chest and shoulders and into her head. She imagined if she took her helmet off her face would be a deep red tone. Amina had seen and done a lot of things during her time with Cerberus that she was not proud of, and what Lidanya seemed to want out of Janiri was dragging up all those terrible memories and the feelings with them - the drive that pushed her to leave Cerberus was now pushing her to lash out at this stuffy Asari Matriarch. [color=ffb302]“It is the right thing to do,”[/color] Amina said, throat tight, [color=ffb302]“and you could use some life lessons indeed if your daughter, whom you have centuries on, can settle for what is right over what is wrong easier than you can.”[/color] Amina’s throat constricted more but she maintained a steady tone as she spoke, [color=ffb302]“I think there are bigger problems in this galaxy, in this system right now, than nabbing some mutant because of old laws. Everyone is saying Janiri is not even dangerous. Besides, this is not even about safety or law, you just want to gouge and prickle at her on a cold table. Stop hiding behind a veil and just say that is all that it is about. Try owning it.”[/color] Lidanya rolled her eyes. “I have no need to explain myself to you. The fact Nadara chose to share classified information only goes to show me she is not to be trusted. It does not in the least imply that I should do the same.” [i]Tortured and abused because of an accident of one's birth. How dreadfully familiar that was. And for this girl, it was probably worse then Zenobia ever had it. What was a cracked skull and a near-death experience compared to whatever those butchers had in mind for her?[/i] [color=007236]"I always thought we were bad about biotics,"[/color] Zenobia scoffed. [color=007236]"And yet here you are. Least I can say I wasn't treated like a varrin to be dissected and used."[/color] They were getting off track. Nadara raised her hands. [color=82ca9d]“Look,”[/color] she said. [color=82ca9d]“Your top priority is medical research. There’s no reason why the SRN can’t be the facility where that takes place.”[/color] [color=ffb302][i]I guess being stubborn is part of living for a thousand some-odd years.[/i][/color] Amina thought pettily, fighting the odd urge to start tapping her foot in annoyance. [color=ffb302][i]How in the hell is this going to end?[/i][/color] Amina felt her temper rising further, both at knowing what Lidanya’s motives were and at this whole obnoxious family spat between two Asari. Lidanya was not going to agree with having what was apparently a highly classified project be done on turf that was not her own, so to speak, and Nadara could not let this opportunity for righting her wrong slip away. Amina also now felt a strange obligation of her own to help out a stop to whatever was meant for Janiri, even if the affairs of aliens meant nothing to her. [color=ffb302][i]Usually.[/i][/color] Nadara looked to either side of her where Amina and Zenobia still stood. She appreciated their presence, how they were willing to stand by her, and follow her requests, but was it too much to ask for them to offer reasons of their own? Her mind on overdrive, Nadara handled this as she would have a delicate disagreement among a galactic diplomat and a wealthy land owner. [color=82ca9d]“Lidanya, the fact of the matter is that Janiri is being tracked. Her safety is paramount to you due to the potential medical benefits research would allow. I understand how valuable that is. I can’t imagine how many Asari lives would benefit from a treatment for the Ardat Yakshi condition.”[/color] Her mother nodded in agreement. [color=82ca9d][i]Good..[/i][/color] Now she just needed to rope her in. [color=82ca9d]“Well, the Eclipse are clearly after her for Goddess knows what reason, and you yourself mentioned there might be others seeking her out as well. The Eclipse know she’s with you now.”[/color] Nadara motioned to the agent Janiri had killed. [color=82ca9d]“Surely a message was sent about their failure to capture her and more agents will be sent. What if you were able to send her somewhere her location couldn’t be tracked? Somewhere she wouldn’t be expected to be? All the while being able to maintain full oversight of medical research and discovery. This is what I’m offering you by taking her back to the SRN. She saved your life just now, mother. Save hers in return.”[/color] [color=ffb302]“It is a solid offer.”[/color] Amina added, [color=ffb302]“She will be easier to look after given the SRN facility is a smaller, isolated, and possibly a more secure area than a larger base or a vessel. Not to mention cooperation from her will be more apt letting her act on her own free will with friendly and familiar faces around. I am sure President Saracino would even compromise so far as to allow Asari Command to have appointed personnel on site, as an olive branch so to speak.”[/color] [color=007236]"Not to mention I think we just proved we could handle defending her just fine,"[/color] [i]Zenobia smirked.[/i] Nadara nodded vigorously, agreeing with both points. [color=82ca9d]“We should move now. Before they get a chance to send reinforcements.”[/color] Lidanya opened her mouth as if to argue some more but stopped herself short. Even she had to admit the motley crew was making some good points. She relied on the Eclipse mercenaries she’d unknowingly employed for transportation, and surely more would be back here before she could make other arrangements. Her lieutenant was also growing quite pale, having already lost a significant amount of blood. “I will need to confirm the details with President Saracino myself,” she said finally, and Nadara felt the weight she’d been carrying drop from her shoulders as she signed in relief. “Until we have agreed on terms, Janiri is to stay under my supervision at all times.” [color=82ca9d]“I can agree to that. Let’s go.”[/color] Well, this was better than nothing - definitely a better deal to work with rather than Lidanya just leaving with Janiri without so much as a “kiss my ass” for all the trouble. [color=ffb302][i]Why do you even really care this much?[/i][/color] Amina felt herself riveted by the sudden emergent thought. Why did she care all of a sudden? No, just all of a sudden, and not just this business with Janiri and Nadara. As far back to her considerations during their time back in Cuba. [color=ffb302][i]These are my teammates.[/i][/color] Amina seemed to assure herself, [color=ffb302][i]Helping each other and camaraderie in battle is just part of it all.[/i][/color] And just since when were aliens Amina’s comrades? There was a time where just sharing a space with non-humans would have her on edge and fully agitated, and now here she was caught up in their familial drama. Realizing that the others were ready to depart Amina decided to just silently go along and sort through her mental dissension later after a hot meal and a shower.