[i][center][h2]Part Seven: Outnumbered, Outgunned, Outplanned, [color=ed1c24]Out Of Cheesecake?![/color][/h2][/center][/i] Ice Reaver: Bailey! What the heck!? BrokenPromise, can you yell at them? BrokenPromise: No. Ice Reaver: But… you just turned Dark Cloud into a rotisserie chicken… you can’t- Bailey just- BrokenPromise: No. IceReaver: B- Nakushita: I’ll yell at them if you want. Ice Reaver: Who the cheesecake are you!? Nakushita: My name is Nakushita. You must be Ice Reaver, leader of the Pro-cheesecakers. Ice Reaver: Yeah… why… What side are you on…? Nakushita: Oh- well, I’m on your side, but I can see the Anti-Cakers’s reasoning as I can see through murky water. Wait- I can’t, that metaphor made no sense. Jonisca: You’re not wrong. “Ah. Jonisca. Welcome to the pantry.” Jonisca: Oh, I’m only here because we ran out of cheesecake batter. “WAIT WHAT!?” This reaction was shared by everybody, except for Jonisca herself and Nakushita- the latter having no idea why this was a bad thing. “Bailey!! Prepare my Cadillac!” BaileyBlue302: We have a Cadillac? “JUST DO IT!” Bailey hurried off to prepare the Cadillac, though they didn't really know why a disembodied Voice wanted to have a car at the ready, they could only guess. [i]This is getting out of hand quickly,[/i] They posted in the status bar. This status was met by one 'like' from everybody in the immediate vicinity. That added up to ten likes, a record high for Bailey's status (this has since been broken by an 11-like status). Of course, that meant they missed an [b]EPIC. FOOD. FIIIIIIIGHT![/b] [hider=EPIC. FOOD. FIIIIIIIGHT!] [center][i]I dramatized that, probably. -The Author[/i][/center] “Now. Which of you wants to die first?” BrokenPromise: How about none of us? Hungry Vandal: Nope. Red Rust: Wait- another person we have to fight? Hungry Vandal: I’m just spectating. Dunno what you’re talking about. “KILL THEM, VANDAL!” Ice Reaver: Really? Hungry Vandal: What? Huh? Sorry, I don’t take orders from- Dark Cloud: Kill them, ple- [/hider] [hider=BaileyBlue302 prepares a wild Cadillac(A Monologue)] It started when my boss, Jerald, ordered me to prepare his Cadillac. I didn't even know we had one! So I go into the back with Jonisca and we look around for the car. Only there's not a car. But there is a cow. And yes, I'm serious. I never joke about these things. I look at Jonisca and Jonisca looks at me. She gestures to a sign above the cow's pen that reads "Cadillac" and a smirk crosses her face. I'm starting to think she planned it, but I'm not sure. After all, I’m not really sure who to trust at the moment. Anyway. I approach the cow and try to saddle it- because that’s the logical thing to do, right? Apparently not. It bites my hand. First of all, being bitten by a cow hurts. Second of all, WHY DO COWS BITE- I THOUGHT THEY WERE VEGITARIAN! Apparently, I was wrong. Anyhow- I start saddling up the cow and it lets me this time and yeah. Then I just wait with Jonisca. Just waiting, for Jerarld, as always. After a minute I open the metaphorical floodgates and literal gate and let the cow out. I mean, what else was I supposed to do?! I didn't expect a war cry! [/hider] [center][h3][b]MOOOOOOOOOOO[/b][/h3][/center]