Zara blushed a bit when she noticed he was studying her. What was he thinking? Was he sizing her up too, the way she had been? No, men didn't think like that. Men thought of the here and now. "What I want to do and what I like doing are complete opposites of the scales, I believe. I've always wanted to travel to the various settlements and help them rebuild. After seeing the devastation that the raiders do to the smaller and already struggling settlements, I want to help build them back up. Whether it be helping them build homes, fences for Brahmin or radchickens, or just helping them replant their crops. Of course, I'd ask for services rendered in return like a bed to sleep in or weapons to be cleaned and stocked." She explained to him with a small shrug of her shoulders, finishing off her steak and stretching out so she was laying beside the firepit. "What I have been doing is mending clothing, building defences and shelters for the ever-growing populace of the raiders. Servicing them as they saw fit too was another. When I did have the odd free time, I was sewing and training my face to face. So I have skills in that department too. I can't hit the broad side of a building with a gun, but I sure can take you out with my fists." She smirked as she looked up at him. It was nice to have some downtime, to get to know him and talk about things of a better nature. She shifted so she was on her belly and looked up at him. "What about you, bunker boy? What would you be doing if scavenging for a living wasn't a necessity? Besides shooting a gun and making a flavourless steak taste decent, what are your hobbies?" She inquired, allowing him unhindered access to look into her eyes.