[b]Name:[/b] Randy Moreno [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human. Italian/Colombian [b]Appearance:[/b][url=http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&biw=1366&bih=594&tbm=isch&tbnid=WONXQeoItStRgM%3A&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fz13.invisionfree.com%2FDimensions_Collide%2Findex.php%3Fshowtopic%3D1200%26st%3D0&docid=HOTtOUraLBOWFM&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmemberfiles.freewebs.com%2F75%2F74%2F44407475%2Fphotos%2FMagna-Carta-1--2-Anime-Game-Wallpapers-by-Hyung-Tae-Kim%2Fmc-calintz-boy.jpg&w=680&h=880&ei=IlEuU7vuAeTI2wWskoG4Dg&zoom=1&ved=0CHkQhBwwDQ&iact=rc&dur=655&page=1&start=0&ndsp=20]This[/url] but not the uniform. He doesn't wear clothing like that, instead preferring the stereotypical [url= http://www.findyouralias.co.uk.ukwsp3.com/SmiffysImages/38660.jpg]poor kid[/url] look. He also wears a [url= http://blogs-images.forbes.com/forbesasia/files/2012/11/sumo1023_mongolia-asashoryu1_650x455.jpg]sumo outfit[/url] during fighting and sometimes when he's just lounging around when he's too lazy to change. He doesn't like it, but sometimes he's forced by his family to wear a [url= http://img.costumecraze.com/images/vendors/forum/67863-Kids-20s-Lil-Gangster-Costume-large.jpg]suit like a gangster[/url]. [b]Personality:[/b] He does most things as if he enjoys it, showing an eager face and energetic movements. He rarely runs out of energy and gets depressed even though he doesn't have much money. His family does, being gangsters, but he only wants money that he earns himself so often turns down his family's offers. Some of his heritage does leak into his personality with his love of fighting, but he doesn't like fighting dirty or harming innocents. He hates things that are too easy, loving to push himself, and if he looses or makes a fool of himself in the process then so be it. He finds value in losing, learning his lesson from it so he can improve in the future. He can be kind of selfish, wanting to do things he wants to do and will be stubborn at doing things he doesn't agree with. If he realizes that he has no choice in the matter then he tries to make the most of it and maybe even come up with games to play while doing it to distract himself. [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Physical Abilities-[/b] Despite being a sumo wrestler fighting style, he's surprisingly fast and nimble, but not outside of a natural human range. His strength is what one would expect, able to toss people around, but usually struggling against the heaviest of opponents. [b]Sumo Training-[/b] His primary fighting style is sumo wrestling. He's been training since he was seven so is decent at it, excelling in fast grapples. [b]Weapon Training-[/b] He knows how to use a pistol due to his gangster heritage, forced to be good with it but he never uses it outside of the shooting range. [b][u]Powers[/u][/b] [b]Self Gravity-[/b] He can control gravity on himself, changing his weight from his normal 140 pounds to up to four times that or up to four times less then that. He can go from extreme to extreme in only two seconds, but this can wear his body down. It hardly effects his body at all if done slowly and not taking from extremes so often. [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] [b]Weapons:[/b] A pistol he more then likely doesn't have on him [b][u]Bio[/u][/b] His father is an Italian gangster who traveled to Columbia as part of a business transaction. On said trip he met a beautiful Columbian woman, who he conceived with on a one night stand while out at a drunken party. Although his father wasn't the best person by any means, he did try to be a good father, which could actually get annoying for Randy because what his father thought was good for him often wasn't. He didn't like the lifestyle, preferring a simpler (and consequently poorer) lifestyle while staying with his mother. Entranced by sumo wrestling he saw a documentary on, he decided that he wanted to be one despite not being from a place known for such a sport. He had to travel far and wide to find a school to help train him, and this ate up a lot of money that he had gathered together from chores and an odd assortment of jobs. He still found it worth it, much to the dismay of his father. However, his father gave up trying to stop him and was too busy with his own work anyways, heading back to Italy most of the time. Randy was surprisingly good despite being in an incredibly low weight, acting as if he was much heavier and sturdier then he looked. He didn't know he was subconsciously making himself heavier. This gave him a huge advantage psychically and in the element of surprise. He's quickly rising to fame, but this has attracted rival gangs who want to see him dead. Somehow he has managed to retain his life and his lifestyle despite this.