I've been really, really wanting to write lately and just clear my poor head of stuff that's jamming things up in there. BUT. I've been so blah the last few weeks (thanks depression) that I haven't had much time to sit down and flesh out some characters or ideas. I mean, I have a few older rp ideas I wouldn't mind refreshing, I have some characters sort of thought out, but nothing solid. So, I was hoping this is where someone who is super duper cool, patient, understanding steps in and rescues me from this hell? Lol And, because I know it will be asked if I don't mention some stuff.... -I prefer my partners to be male or at least comfortable playing male characters (especially if romance will be involved) -Someone who can be a bit more dominant and take the reins once in awhile when it comes to moving the story along. I am more than happy to help, but I also do have a tendency to not speak up about ideas (sue me! but also please don't, all I have is like a box of pancake mix you're getting lol) -Someone able to play multiple characters when needed as like side people to add more dimension and help with more story building and the like -Someone that takes an extra minute or two to proof read their stuff. I am no perfect, I don't expect it, but I try to make sure I have few mistakes. Deciphering a paragraph for an hour to understand what is going on will quickly lose my interest -And someone who can get a few paragraphs per post in. I try to aim for at least 3 good ones, more if able to. So, just try to match energy and we will be good! If you have more questions, want to brain storm some ideas and what not, don't hesitate to message me!