[center][b][h3][color=00ff00]J'eon the Blacksmith[/color][/h3][/b][/center] It had been a long night, but his mind would not quiet to let him sleep. "That noise, I have heard it before," J'eon scowled. It was the exploding rock. His captors had stopped for the night, and one of them had brought a rock for the fire ring, yes. Only as the fire grew hot, it began to smoke and hiss! Then it had exploded, sending shards of rocks that even reached some of their number, chained as distant as they were. Their leader demanded to know which of them had gotten a rock from the stream? Of course, it was not smoke, it was steam, boiling inside the rock from the heat of the fire! "But that... was not steam," J'eon rumbled. This was more than just working metal, even strong metal. And somehow they could control it. [hr] He rose, going to the place where one could speak to the crew. "I have a question, about the strange noise that we heard up on the hillside yesterday. What is it you used?"