After a long and exhausting journey, Amaris's heart felt a little lighter as she spots the Tavern by the docks. Her wild, white hair tangles up in her eyes and she swiftly holds it back before inspecting the outside. [color=f7976a]"Hm, wonder why it's got no name,"[/color] she says quietly to herself as she strides to the nameless tavern's door. The delightful sound of cheerful music greets her as she enters. What a change after only hearing the wind and waves for at least 2 weeks. She takes a moment to acquaint herself with the sights before her, scanning the room for familiar, unsurprisingly spotting none. Alas, she spots [@nymian], another elf. She is surprised but walks up to the green-haired maiden and seats herself on the stool next to her. After sitting in silence for what seemed like 5 minutes, she speaks up. [color=f7976a]"Ahem, hey there, I- my name's Amaris."[/color] She holds out her hand quite awkwardly towards [@nymian].