[h1][b][i][color=A2797E][center]Sabine Bassard[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f2/eb/b6/f2ebb69af84f398998e82460a6325162.gif[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=A2797E][b]Location[/b][/color]: Training Room B [color=A2797E][b]Skills[/b][/color]: N/A [/center] [hr][hr] Sabine preened at Nemo's compliments. She was sure she nailed the assignment. Sabine took some steps back, taking a stand near Danni and Dorian while Percy stepped up to the plate. Sabine didn't know what to expect with the fiery (get it?!?) Freshman, but either way she gave little attention to the pipsqueak as she felt her phone vibrate. She read the message from April and figured it you be a mistake. She shot off a quick text while Percy did his thing. [hider=@April, @Leah][color=A2797E]Glamour[/color] - I am going to assume that isn't some new lingo. Meanwhile, if you are bringing back an emoji, I'd love the peach.[/hider] Sabine returned to the scene in time to see Percy put a pretend gun to Danni. Sabine tensed up a bit, but Nemo spoke up and scolded Percy, rightly so. [color=A2797E]"If you ever pull a weapon on him, real or fake, again I will ensure you remember nothing and are left a drooling blob of flesh on the ground that not even your parents would love."[/color] Sabine left it at that and turned to see Zelda's attempt. She could not read the girl for the life of her. And Zelda's attempt seemed...unsure? Uncertain? Did she even give a fuck? This was her team? This was who she would be working with? Danni she adored and Dorian was....okay, but the other two were not making great strides at impressing her.