[center][h2][b]Kareet of Arcaeda[/b][/h2][/center] [hr] This time, the subjects that Vigdis described were something that Kareet could wrap her head around more readily. They built upon topics about which she already had knowledge, or at least seemed closer to her own knowledge. They knew air was needed for fire, but the Humans knew what part of the air it was, and according to her, it was also needed to breathe at all. “So…oxygen is a part of the air, and it is what we need when we breathe in? And since we have more of it, that’s why Itxaro warned me that book would burn, and why your Captain is prioritizing getting fabrics from us.” Certainly, that information did make some of their stranger actions so far make more sense to her. “I have noticed that you all wear clothes all the time, like the S’tor. Is that what you do on Earth too, or is it just because you are here on Kanth-Aremek?” The explanation Vigdis gave for seeing oxygen all the way from Earth was more difficult to grasp, though not hopelessly so. She knew what a rainbow was, and the idea that they were made from light being split into different colors was not so outlandish. She did not understand [i]how[/i] light was being split to make a rainbow, but that was not important for what Vigdis was explaining. From what she was saying, it seemed like oxygen left an impression on light when it passed through the air, which their “spectrometer” could see. Even if the details were all far beyond her understanding, the idea itself was not. “I do not know how you could possibly see the air of a world so far away, but I have no reason to doubt you. How long did it take your scholars to make all of these discoveries?” She asked as another thought came to mind. “I wonder if your knowledge would be able to make improvements to my own inventions?”