[color=lightgray][center][url=https://fontmeme.com/cursive-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230629/dcaba756d8ae7145f9b4d5c1378360f9.png[/img][/url] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c4fac5da-6403-4457-b1a2-a8cbe31b5da3.png[/img] [sub]Starring: [color=00FFFC]Lilith[/color], [color=gold]John[/color] & [color=C4DF9B]Claire[/color] Montgomery; Featuring [color=DC143C]Miles Price[/color] [@SouffleGirl123] [i]Introducing: [color=6ECFF6]Salem De Silva[/color] - Guild Leader.[/i][/sub] [/center] [indent][indent][indent] In the weeks leading up to the Coven ceremony, Lilith had been getting used to having a mother again. Claire seemed to fill the house with an interesting sort of energy - powerful, playful and protective all at the same time. She’d argued with her daughter over her decisions in boys and what to wear, and constantly gave her father hell. Honestly, their family dynamic hadn’t changed that much, even with all the time that had passed. The Montgomerys had spent the last couple of hours before the Coven party doing what they did best: throwing verbal punches and drinking. Some of the ranch hands had decided to take a few hours off, coming inside of the main house to celebrate Lilith - though for what reason she had no clue. It wasn’t as if [i]she[/i] was becoming Coven leader. Still, her mother was using it as some sort of cringy ‘you're a woman now’ celebration. Lilith had taken extra time that evening making sure she was dressed properly before being forced to be the center of attention. Claire had wanted her to wear some frilly little dress - much like Lilith assumed most people would. However, the young woman had chosen to wear a [url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/46cae436c054b336e1ff1a3afe9e3ebc/7b1baebb59e8e6f2-ec/s400x600/da866363d393615eb025d5b99d2c432af03042cb.gif]pantsuit[/url] that evening. It was a very small step in proving to both her mother and grandfather that she could make her own decisions. The nods of approval from her family members was enough conformation for the young woman as she made her way down the stairs and to the front door of the Montgomery household. [color=C4DF9B]”You know, I always thought suits were a men’s thing, but you make ‘em look pretty good, Li,”[/color] Claire remarked. [color=00FFFC]”You don’t think the pants are too tight?”[/color] the brunette questioned. [color=00FFFC]”Nearly had to jump into these damned pants, but I mean - last time I wore this thing was over a year ago.”[/color] Putting on her jacket, Claire rolled her eyes. [color=C4DF9B]”You look fine. Now let’s go.”[/color] John had elected himself to drive, seeing as he was the most sober out of the three of them. The old man still had had a drink or two, but he refused to let Lilith drive and well - Claire was already wasted. Once the three of them had arrived, John decided to park across the street before making a fuss out of opening the truck door for both of his girls. The small group had made their way across the lawn of the Coven house and eventually up the stairs to the entrance. They entered the house with their arms linked - John in the middle with each of the women standing at his sides. In the spirit of remaining cordial, John had given a simple nod in greeting towards Amanda before Claire shot the woman the middle finger and wrapped her arms around Mary’s neck. Lilith sighed silently through her nose, giving a quick sympathetic glance towards Carlisle as she walked through the door. Claire had stayed back at the entrance with her best friend. Probably not the best way to let everyone know you were back from the dead, but hey - who was Lilith to judge? The brunette began walking around the main hall of the Coven house, her grandfather close behind. There was only one person that Lilith wanted to see right now - and much to everyone's popular belief, it wasn’t Miles. There had only been a few times in her life where Lilith Montgomery was ever lucky enough to cross paths with [url=https://people.com/thmb/D8KpH37xTkSbKVyHfppQ8-MoWL4=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(740x0:742x2)/famke-janssen-2000-c757c9779f7e41429480c7a413b0c768.jpg]Salem de Silva[/url]. Tonight was one of those opportunities, and the young woman wasn’t about to miss it. John knew this as well, and had a rather good relationship with Salem himself - mostly built on respect and fear. It didn’t take long for the young woman to find her intended target, walking into the other woman's open and welcoming arms for a hug. [color=00FFFC]”Salem,”[/color] Lilith began. [color=00FFFC]”It’s been ages, how are you?”[/color] [color=6ECFF6]”Lilith Montgomery,”[/color] the woman mused, now pulling away to observe her as she held Lilith’s hands. [color=6ECFF6]”You look amazing! Last time I saw you, you were what - ten, maybe?”[/color] [color=00FFFC]”Something like that,”[/color] she replied, a small smile on her face as she put her hands in her pockets. John had reached for one of Salem's hands now, bending down to kiss the top of it like a proper gentleman in greeting. [color=gold]”Ms. De Silva,”[/color] he commented, looking up at her now as he smirked, tipping his hat with his free hand. [color=6ECFF6]”Mr. Montgomery,”[/color] Salem beamed, moving closer so that he could hug the man. [color=6ECFF6]”You’ve got to be my favorite man, you know that?”[/color] [color=gold]”Not the first time I’ve heard that one, ma’am,”[/color] he chuckled. [color=gold]”How have things been with the Guild?”[/color] [color=6ECFF6]”Oh usual things. Training the newbies, keeping magical users in line - I had a kid, too.”[/color] [color=00FFFC]”Really?”[/color] Lilith asked, clearly surprised. [color=6ECFF6]”Mmhm, little Celeste,”[/color] the Guild leader replied, doing a quick scan of her surroundings. [color=6ECFF6]”The little menace is running around her somewhere. I’m sure you’ll meet her later.”[/color] [color=gold]”With all due respect ma’am, I don’t think anyone ever imagined you as the motherly type.”[/color] [color=6ECFF6]”Now there, John. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.”[/color] As the three of them began to laugh, Lilith felt an arm wrap around her waist. Her body stiffened upon instinct before her empath abilities kicked in. A quick read of the other person's emotions, and it was easy for her to tell that it was Miles. Miles hadn’t really known what to do with the spare time until the start of the event. Miles liked parties but this, in his mind, was definitely not a party. Just a formal stuffy event where he had to play at least half-decent, lest one of the past members have a fit. At some point a random little girl had appeared, zooming around the house and had honed in on Miles for some reason, likely as he was the only person just standing around. She’d dragged him into her games. Miles had no clue what was going on, at some point she was pretending to shoot him, to which he very over-dramatically fell to the floor prompting a giggle from the child, then at another she was adamant he had to give her piggy back rides around the house for some reason. Whatever it was, it was a way to pass the time so Miles played along until more people came piling in. Eventually the kid just ran off to play some other game with someone else, not that Miles minded, he’d caught Lilith and John in the corner of his eye talking to the guild leader. Salem did seem an interesting thought but the little he knew about her was enough to make the idea of getting to know her not fully worth it, he had enough short-fused assertive women in his life. He wandered up next to Lilith and slipped his arm around her waist. [color=DC143C]”John,”[/color] He greets the older man at her side with the nod of his head before turning his attention to Lilith with a squeeze of her waist. [color=DC143C]”Lilith, beautiful, as always,”[/color] he greets her aloud before moving his lips to her ear and uttering, [color=DC143C]”You in that pantsuit is really doing something to me right now.”[/color] He pulls his face away and looks to the other woman in the trio. [color=DC143C]”Salem, I assume?”[/color] he asks, sticking out his hand not wrapped around Lilith. [color=DC143C]”Miles Price, it’s a pleasure to meet you,”[/color] As the heat rose to Lilith’s face, John pursed his lips, doing his best to keep his eyes off of the pair. Salem seemed preoccupied with the little red-head that had been chasing Miles around only seconds ago. As she lifted the little girl into her arms, Lilith felt the energy in the room shift - the tenseness in the air now beginning to radiate from Salem. Looking at Miles, it seemed as if the woman's smile had faded, her face turning slightly pale. Shifting the child's weight so that Celeste rested on her hip, Salem seemed to be stunned for just a brief moment. [color=6ECFF6]”Salem de Silva,”[/color] she responded, reaching out to shake Miles’s hand with a firm grip. Looking the young man up and down once more, her brow furrowed. [color=6ECFF6]”Forgive me. You just look eerily similar to someone I met in a past life.”[/color] At her words Miles cocked his head. [color=DC143C]”Can't say I know why but if you figure it out let me know,"[/color] he says curiously, retracting his hand. His eyes settle on the little girl for a moment and he gives her a smile before looking back at Salem. [color=DC143C]”You have an energetic lil tyke there, I have to say,"[/color] [color=6ECFF6]”Oh I plan on it,”[/color] Salem commented, raising a brow at the boy as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her daughter's ear. Hearing the rest of his words, the womans expression seemed to soften ever so slightly. [color=6ECFF6]”Indeed she is, but she seems to like you well enough,”[/color] she remarked, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as her eyes met Miles’s once more. [color=6ECFF6]”I’ll have to remember that.”[/color] The Guild leaders focus now shifted to his arm wrapped around Lilith’s waist, her eyes cutting to John before finding the girl's face. [color=6ECFF6]”Don’t tell me you’ve run off and found some eligible bachelor and didn’t even shoot me a text,”[/color] she joked. The blush that had begun to fade from Lilith's face had now returned. [color=00FFFC]”Apologies ma’am. We’ve all been pretty busy around here as of late,”[/color] the young woman responded, trying to keep the mood light. Lilith could tell that there was something making Salem uneasy. Was it Miles? Surely he hadn’t done anything wrong just by standing here for the last minute. Her eyes now sparkling with curiosity, Salem looked the pair up and down once more. [color=6ECFF6]”All is forgiven. We’ll have more than enough time to catch up this evening - and don’t you dare try and avoid me, Ms. Thing.”[/color] The woman continued to joke, continuing to play the game of ‘hide your emotions’ she had mastered in her last forty odd years of life. [color=00FFFC]”I wouldn’t dare.”[/color] [color=6ECFF6]”Lilith darling, if you’ll excuse me, there’s some more people I need to speak with before this event really takes off. I appreciate the warm welcome.”[/color] Salem grabbed onto Celeste from where she was perched on her hip, helping the girl down to the floor before smoothing her own dress and grabbing onto her little hand. [color=6ECFF6]”John, would you mind escorting me? You know how I always get lost in this place.”[/color] [color=gold]”Course not,”[/color] John replied, offering his arm to the woman. As the group began to disperse, Salem wrapped her arm around Johns before they began to circle around the room. Most of the people who recognized her there were older members of the coven - people's parents and grandparents. It took all of ten minutes before John saw through the womans ruse. [color=gold]”Now I know neither of us here are stupid,”[/color] he said, once they had found the drink table. [color=gold]”What is it about Miles that has you all bent out of shape.”[/color] Letting go of Celestes hand, Salem watched the ball of red hair dance around the main hall, interacting with anyone who would give her the time of day. Once the eight year old was far enough out of the way that hopefully couldn’t catch on to her mothers alcoholic tendencies, the woman reached for two glasses before filling one with whiskey and passing it to John. With a stern expression, she poured vodka into the second glass for herself. [color=6ECFF6]”Follow me onto the veranda, would you?”[/color] Doing as asked, John followed the dark haired woman until they were outside. [color=6ECff6]”What do you know about that Miles boy?”[/color] [color=gold]”He’s a menace who needs to stay away from my granddaughter,”[/color] John huffed, pressing the glass to his lips. [color=6ecff6]”Besides the obvious,”[/color] Salem quipped, now staring off into the fading sun. [color=6ecff6]”Where’s he from? Who are his parents? How old is he?”[/color] [color=gold]”That’s all a bit personal, don’t you think?”[/color] [color=6ecff6]”John, darling. Just answer the questions. No one’s in trouble - I’m just trying to solve my own puzzle.”[/color] [color=gold]”I don’t suppose it would matter if we were in trouble or not - you’d fry us all if we got boring enough.”[/color] the older man joked, making his way over to stand beside her. [color=gold]”That’s Miles. He’s a family friend, a year older than Lilly I believe. Mary’s son - the woman standing with Carlton at the front door.”[/color] The gears in her head beginning to turn, Salem began to focus more on the woman that she had met earlier in the evening - even if only briefly. She remembered seeing that warm smile somewhere before; carefully hidden away in photos, stored in an old wooden box in the corner of an enemies closet. Miles’s jawline, the shade of his hair - even that oddly familiar tone of voice. Not to mention that the timeline [i]did[/i] add up – Taking a drink from her glass, Salem pursed her lips, a small fire beginning to roar behind her eyes. [color=6ecff6]”Thank you Mr. Montgomery,”[/color] she replied simply. [color=gold]”Did you figure out whatever it is you’re thinking about?”[/color] he asked. [color=6ecff6]”I’ll let you know soon enough,”[/color] she sighed, turning on her heel to walk back into the house. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/color]